part eleven (1), the charity ball.

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As Cal is walking me up to my apartment, I come to a halt at my door.. I play with my keys in my hands,

"I'm nervous to meet your family.. Do you think this is a good idea?"

His soothing words fill the air,

"My mother and father haven't stopped pestering me about you. Every chance they get to call or see me for dinner they ask about you. I mean I couldn't hide you from the public, so I'm not surprised they found out."

I give him a joking laugh,

"Ha ha very funny Cal"

He gives me a warm smile and wraps me into a hug. His huge frame towering over mine, and I inhaled his scent. His voice comes out mumbled from his mouth against my hair,

"Don't worry, they'll love you. Besides, I'll be by your side the entire time"

I take my head off his chest and look up at him,

"You always have this strange way of calming me down"

He kisses my forehead,

"Your presence alone calms me Ms. Darling. I'll see you tomorrow night, goodnight."

And with that he kisses my cheek and walks towards the elevator. I sigh happily and unlock my door.

I am welcomed with silence, I peer down at my watch and see it's 8:34 pm.. I shout for Mia,

"Mia? Are you here?"

Nothing. Just Silence.

"That's strange" I think to myself.

I turn on a few lights in the living area, and throw my jacket/purse onto the couch. I grab a snack and head back to the couch, pull out my phone and dial her number.

She picks up on the third ring,


"Mia! Where are you? I'm worried, is everything okay?"

"I'm so sorry Lena, but I had to make a trip home very last minute, my father isn't doing so well. He's back in the hospital"

Her voice cracks slightly and my heart breaks for her,

"Mia I'm so sorry sweetie. If you need anything just call me or text me okay?"

"Of course, well I need to go. My mom and I are going try to get him some better food, he's already complaining about the hospital food again."

"Alright, I love you. Tell Karen hello for me, and Mark as well."

I can hear Mia smile on the other end,

"Of course, love you too"

My heart saddens for Mia. Her father Mark has been in and out of the hospital back in her home town in New Jersey with Cancer for the past two years now. Mia and I became really close our freshman year in college and her family always made me feel welcome. It makes me miss my own family.

My mother Linda, father Walter , and younger brother Wesley moved to South Carolina my sophomore year in college, and I never got to see them that much so Mia's family became my second family. Now that I live in New York city, the chance of seeing them has been even less.

I instantly dial home,

My mother's voice comes through the phone, my heart melts, almost bringing me to tears.


"Hi momma."

"Lena, my sweet Lena. How are you?"

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