part twelve (1), home.

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Georgina flashes him a seductive grin, her red lips accentuating her straight white teeth, eyeing him up and down. I roll my eyes, she never once acknowledged me. She walked away so gracefully with her long tan legs, her dress flowing behind her, I hated her. She returned through the crowd and back into the Parker Inc. building. I looked at Cal, his back was towards me, and saw him hang is head low towards the ground. He sighed heavily, his shoulders lowering. Did she really have that much control over him? I thought to myself, as my heart began to ache.

He then reached out for Georgina, before she got any further, his hand grasping her left forearm. I sat there watching helplessly from the car. I wanted to rip his hand off of her, but my body wouldn't move. He whispered something in her ear and my heart started to feel heavy, my stomach felt sick. If I was a complete stranger I would think they were together. Anyone could tell they had undeniable chemistry together, his body close to hers, her full attention on him. He let her go and she went back into the building.

He turned towards the open backseat passenger door where I sat, he leaned his arm against the top of the door. He leaned forward into the car so I could see him, his right hand was placed in his pants pocket.

He looked hesitant about what he was going to say, while staring at his feet, like he almost didn't want to say it. I sat there nervously staring at him, he looked pained, almost apologetic.. Look at me Cal, my heart shouted,

He sighed and closed his eyes, he looked over at Harrison and said sternly,

"Get her home safely Harrison"

I looked at Harrison as he nodded at Cal's demand, and then back at Cal, confusion furrowed between my brows,


He interrupted me, his voice was unsteady. He finally made eye contact with me and said,

"I need to take care of some things"

My mind started scrambling, working in overdrive. Was he going back inside for Georgina? Did she still have an affect on him? Did he still feel something for her? My heart broke at the thought, I couldn't let my mind go there.

I opened my mouth to say something, but couldn't find the words. All I felt was pain, to the point where I would be physically ill. My eyes brimmed with tears as I stared back at Cal, his demeanor changed and I thought he was going to climb in the car and join me, but he shut the door rather harshly.

I jumped as the car door slammed and stared at him as he made his way back into the building...where she was, away from me.

As Harrison drove me to my apartment I pulled my phone out of my coat pocket and dialed my mom's cell number.

I wrapped my coat tighter around myself as the phone rang,

"Hello Lena, how are you doing sweetheart?"

I lost it at the sound of my mothers voice. My tears finally broke violently, rushing down my cheeks. I covered my face with my hand, not wanting Harrison to see,

"I miss you so much" I choked out.

I could hear my mother's empathy in her voice,

"Baby girl what's wrong? Is everything okay?"

"No mom, but can I come visit?"

"Of course, I'd love to see you. We actually ended up moving back to New Jersey, we wanted to be closer to you, besides it's too hot in South Carolina."

Harrison pulled up to my building and I grabbed the door handle and slid out of the car. I gave a smile to Harrison, tears evident on my face.

"Thank you Harrison"

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