chapter two

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where are you?
oh, you.

yoongi left kim's coffee shop in a rush, as the people in there seemed to be working up the courage to speak to him. at one point some adult in the corner seemed to be urging her five year old to approach him, but before the kid could get close, yoongi had left the shop in one quick motion.

he hugged the cup of coffee to his chest, letting the warmth seep into his body. his flask and the takeout box were tucked into his bag, and he held a banana nut muffin in his hand. it was still warm from the oven. yoongi adored the muffins that jin made, especially when they were freshly made. he cursed at jin for being so friendly, and thanked him silently all the same.

if it wasn't for jin, he would probably be dead in a ditch somewhere. it was jin who offered yoongi the position at his shop. yoongi knew that jin didn't necessarily need the help, but insisted that he at least show up once. after that, it just became a habit to come to the shop after his fourth class, whether it be to work or to just pass time.

it was jin who constantly offered him meals and shelter. there was only so much yoongi could do before jin had him moving into his own apartment. he was one of the only people who cared enough to make sure he was actually alive the next day.

yoongi walked down the sidewalk, the wind blowing his dark hair out of place as he devoured the muffin and washed it down with the scalding coffee. the aching hunger in his body finally ceased for the time being, but was replaced with a feeling of dread.

maybe you should go now.

yoongi knew jin was right. eventually he would have to face the truth.

he sighed, taking a long sip of his coffee. his first class would be starting soon, but now that jin had mentioned it, he knew that he would have to go see him.

yoongi shook his head, muttering to himself. when the road forked left and right, he hesitated for a moment. left was towards the university. right led to the parking lot, and further away than that it led away from the city, towards the less populated parts of seoul. deep inside, he didn't want to do this. he would rather turn right and head over to his class and do nothing. but he knew that everything that led up to this moment would determine his life after.

he turned, facing the left road. without another moment of hesitation, turned and walked down the left road.


"it's been a while, hasn't it?"

yoongi had never taken so long to get somewhere before. usually anywhere he would have to go was no more than 20 minutes away, but it took him about 40 to get there. this time, it was more crowded than he was used to, which didn't help yoongi's nerves.

he stared down at the gravestone, dull and grey. here lies park jimin, it read. son of park jaeeun and park sejun. loving brother and friend. 1995-2018

already, his heart was beating against his ribs. he knew that it wasn't good that he didn't want to be there, but his anxiety was kicking in. "jimin-" he tried, but his words stuck in his throat. he took a shaky breath, and then started again.

"how... how have you been?" yoongi knew he sounded stupid, talking to a gravestone, but he didn't want to treat jimin as if he had forgotten about him. jimin was his best friend. no matter how hard yoongi tried, he would never be able to forget him.

"i-i've been okay. struggling, ya know?" as he progressed, yoongi got more comfortable and sat down next to the grave. "jin's really been helping me out. great guy, even better baker. i can't believe the dude still stands me through all of this. you know, without you, we would have never met, and... i'd probably be dead somewhere in the shitty part of seoul. as... as much as you said that you never had an impact on my life, you really did. you... you did so much for me, and i can't believe i'm just now realizing." he sighed, looking down at his hands.

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