*Sham Lash Pt.2*

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Jasmine's Pov

I opened my eyes, a blinding light forcing me awake. That's right, I was knocked out after they left Jafar...

I was in a cave by the looks of it. There was a door, no windows, and a lamp shining on my face. Like a classic Good/Bad cop scene. I was laying on a bed made of hay, as I was getting up the door opened to reveal the women from before.

"You're up? I'm Maki, you'll address me as Captain or Cheif. If not, punishment. Today you'll start training to become an assassin, if not, Punishment. Also, you aren't allowed to talk to anyone unless spoken too, if not, Punishment. Got it?" Crossing her arms, she looked at me with distaste.

"Uh...yeah do what you say or I'll be punished. Not that hard of a concept..."I sarcastically replied, getting up the air was knocked out of me. I slammed back into the wall behind my bed, She Kicked Me!

"*Cough* What the hell..." I muttered I glared at her amused face. She looked like she was enjoying this too much. She reached into a pouch before showing me her small blade covered in some kind of liquid. 

"I guess our first lesson will be submission...my favorite" She stalked forward, I tried to get away but she was quicker. She pinned me to my bed, as she slowly and painfully cut my arms, legs, face, shoulder, stomach, anywhere there was skin.

 I wouldn't give her the satisfaction of crying out loud, I won't show weakness to her! She grinned like a maniac, before plunging the knife into my side, nearing a vital point. "Agh!" I gritted my teeth, keeping the sounds to a minimal. Tears started to build up, but I kept my glare.

She got off and started walking away, not even a second later I felt my whole body freeze and shiver. I was freezing cold! "W-w-what t-the hell...did you d-do to me?" I stuttered, my red eyes slowly starting to close. I felt the sweat growing and dripping down my face.

"Hn, that liquid was poison to stimulate your body to complete and utter fear. I'm surprised you are able to speak even a little. This will be a fun training, for me at least." She left the room as I passed out from the pain.


No one's POV

It's been a month since Jasmine was taken by Sham Lash. The torture has only gotten more intense, but what she has realized, she's starting to either grow immune to some poisons or have a better pain tolerance. 

Sad to say, this training might be useful in the future. She was finally allowed to eat after the week, it wasn't anything with taste. Basic stuff like bread and water, but it was enough to almost make Jasmine cry in joy.

She hasn't been allowed to leave her room since she got there, only face she knows is Captain Maki...and it wasn't always a pleasant visit. Before she can finish her food, the door slam opened, "Small Fry! Get the hell up and let's go!"

Out of instant, Jasmine dropped whatever food she had and ran next to her Captain kneeling. She slightly shook with fear, the unknown is unbearable.

"W-where exactly are we heading C-captain?" She asked she learned to never look her in the eyes and be respectful to the extreme. I guess this explains why Jafar is always uptight with manners.

Jafar...I almost forgot about him

Before she could finish her thought, she was kicked in the ribs hearing a few cracks from the bone. "How dare you question me! Don't make me punish you again! I thought you learned at least a little!"

Captain Maki crossed her arms thinking a little before smirked, "I think I know what to do to officially break you..." Jasmine's eyes darted to her face with fear. What is this crazy women going to do now?

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