Chapter Six

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Scarlet adjusted the mask on Kai's face and gave him a once-over. She nodded in approval. "Well, it's not much of a disguise, really, but you do look rather handsome."

She had mussed up his hair with gel, making his bangs fall slightly into his face and hang down further than he was used to. She'd also made him wear an elegant silky white shirt to compliment the dark pants that he'd already been wearing when her and Kesley had arrived at his apartment with Thorne to get ready for the fundraiser. In reality it was really more for Scarlet to get ready, since the guys didn't require as much prep time as she did. Kai was technically supposed to be one of the hosts of this masquerade, though, so he had been a little grateful when Scarlet had offered to help him look his best.

Scarlet squinted at him again. "Hmm, I think it's missing something."

She left to go rummage in Kai's closet, her red hair bouncing behind her in loose curls. It might have been the only time in his life that Kai wished that he could have had access to Thorne's enormous wardrobe—surely Scarlet could find whatever she wanted in there, and this would be over sooner. Kai inspected himself in the mirror while he waited and didn't feel that this look suited him too much. He missed the strange comfort and security of his normal dress shirt and tie. It was going to be uncomfortable enough to be in the spotlight at such a big event. He'd attended since he was younger, and as he'd said to Cinder, it was one of the only events that he could get Thorne to come to without persuasion or offering some sort of bribe in return. It made sense. Thorne loved to dance—and he was good at it. Kai, on the other hand, knew how to dance—he'd taken the same ballroom lessons that Thorne had when they were younger—but he didn't have the natural rhythm that allowed him to move the way he would have liked.

Scarlet returned with something that looked like a red Boy Scout sash. He eyed it warily. "What is that?"

"It's a sash."

"I can see that. And why would I wear that?"

"It'll make you look like royalty. Now we just need some gloves."

"Gloves?" He knew he was whining.

"Kai, it's a Prince Charming look. It'll make the girls go crazy."

He gave her a warning look. "Scarlet, you know I'm not looking for anyone."

She wrinkled her nose at him. "I know, you don't always have to remind me. Can't a girl hope for change?"

He looked at the ceiling for patience. Thorne's opinions were probably rubbing off on her and Kesley. Everyone should just stop interfering with his business already. Scarlet dragged him out of the dressing room to stand before Kesley and Thorne. "So...what do you think?!" she asked excitedly.

"Looks great," grunted Kesley non-committedly. He took another sip of his drink. Kai knew that he was only here to support Scarlet, and not because he actually cared about what Kai was going to wear tonight. The bar that was constantly stocked in Kai's apartment was probably a draw as well.

Thorne eyed him lazily. "Why does everyone still think this is a costume party? We're too old for this." Thorne was just wearing slacks and a button-up shirt with a tie, but he had a mask dangling around his neck and a black fedora-style hat tipped on the side of his head. He had vehemently insisted to Scarlet that he looked so good that it would be a shame to cover up his appearance with anything besides the mask.

"It's a masquerade, Thorne. A lot of people will look like they're in a costume. These types of dances were popular in the Victorian Era. You'll see a lot of people who look like royalty."

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