Chapter Two

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Victoria sat awkwardly on her couch trying no to think of the searing pain in her side. It felt like what she'd imagine being stabbed felt like, but also like she'd been beaten with a bag of rocks. It would make sense since Patty has pancake feet. She laughed to herself. Fuckin' pancake feet.

She left right after the bell rang, she knew she would be blamed for the fight since she started it on a technicality. So why bother waiting for them to suspend her? They'd surely call her dad, so there's no use in him going there in person to scold her. She's eighteen anyways, soon to be nineteen. If she weren't so close to graduation and her father's disappointment Victoria would drop out at this point.

She switched off the TV as soon as she heard the front door latch. Dad's home. She was expecting him to be furious and scold her, but he seemed unbothered? She figured he must not know yet. 

"Hey dad...anything exciting happen today?" She raised her eyebrow and sat stiffly waiting for his response.

"I got my new assignment. They have a delivery two states away that they need me to drive. I'm gonna be gone for a week."

"Damn." Her dad frowned at her word choice but didn't comment on it.

"Yeah, I've got to go back to the main office right now to submit that papers for insurance. Want me to pick up anything on my way back?" Victoria shook her head in response.

"I'll probably be asleep. It's been a long day." 

He gave her a nod and left. But as soon as his car left the driveway she bolted to her closet. She had been planning for months: go to the mall. Her dad had forbidden her to go there for her safety. It's a vamp hotspot but also the only place within a two-hour drive to buy anything decent. Although she understands why he'd want her safety, he also doesn't give her any chance to go anywhere ever.

She finished dressing in her disguise, the plan is to be as unnoticeable as possible. Go in, max out her deadbeat mom's credit cards and then book it back home.

Her mom bailed out nine years ago. She left basically everything except her clothes and jewelry. She didn't even have the human decency to leave a note. Came back from school to silence and heartbreak.

Over the years, Victoria had just been waiting for the perfect time to use them. She knew her mom wouldn't be smart enough to cancel them. 

After the thirty minute drive, all the planning and sneaking was all worth it. Victoria was in heaven. She never considered herself a girly girl, but she was a fashion freak. First, she hit all the makeup stores and then made her way into the clothing stores. She finished her rounds on the top floor before heading to the food court. That's when she saw a man that made her insides turn and her heart leap.

"He's so fucking hot" she mumbled under her breath. As soon as her words escaped, his eyes locked on hers and everything else disappeared.


"Your soulmate is hurt."

Jake was left speechless; all he could manage to do was stare wide-eyed and nod as Ciara explained what was happening to him. He didn't event believe that mates were real. He always assumed it was a myth to keep kids hopeful, like Santa Claus or something.

"Once both mates are eighteen, they're connected. Even though you haven't them yet."

"Can you track her?"

"I cannot track someone that we don't know the identity or even location of, but she must be close for the prominance of your bruise. Unfortunately, the only way to know is if you meet them. Since mates are connected in more way than one, you can sense each other's presence. Although, you do need to keep in mind that they aren't guaranteed to feel the same way. Some people don't know that mates exist or their species may not be as strong as yours. Humans have what they call intuition, they can get a 'gut feeling' about someone but they won't be as knowing as a shifter would be. Shifters have a primal instinct that leads them to their mate and they can't be separated."

Ciara checked to see if he was still paying attention.

"You have to be prepared for her to not feel the same. A human won't know like you will, sometimes the bond can be too strong for them to handle; it is not love at first sight. It's like every other relationship, it requires work and there is no guarantee of forever. I hope for your sake, my King, that you manage to find happiness with her."


After having his late lunch, he focused his every thought on finding her. What she looked like, what she was, what she loves; anything would do. Any hint. Anything.

He got this overwhelming feeling of happiness and... shoes?

The next thing he got was Chinese food.

Jake could only think of one place that has both shoes and food: the mall.

The closer he got to the mall, the faster his thoughts were racing. He could feel her energy from outside the mall. He knew that he was right, she was in there. He made his way in and many vampires gave him an honorable salute with a fist over their heart. He made it to Panda Express and started from there. That's when he heard her. He knew it was her even before he turned his head. 

"He's so fucking hot." He smirked.

When their eyes met, the whole world froze. It was as if they were the only two there. He slowly started walking towards her. He could hear her heart beating quicker with every passing second. But before he could reach her someone knocked her to the ground, scraping her palms into a bloody mess and terror ran through his veins. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2020 ⏰

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