Chapter One

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Picture of the man is what I imagine Jake to look like. Feel free to imagine your own characters. Just thought I would put it out there for anyone curious.


Today is just one of those days. Everybody needs something and nobody cares about anything else. Jake sat there complacent to whatever the cook was blabbing on about, as usual. All bark, no bite. Another staff member interrupted; something about needing to review some more citizen complaints. It was only 8:02 am.

"Let's get back to this later, I have to do something." Jake got up and left before anyone could object.

As he made his way to the kitchen he suddenly felt a sharp sensation on his side. He stopped in the closest bathroom and looked in the mirror. It felt...wrong. He lifted up his shirt and saw a massive purple and black bruise that covered half his rib cage. It took a few minutes to dissipate, it was deep to take so long, vampires heal quickly, but he couldn't help but wonder why it was there to begin with. 

He immediately headed to the sorceress, she would know what to do.


Today is worse than just one of those days because today is total shit. Victoria hastily shoves her phone into her pocket as her chemistry teacher gives her a warning look. The girl sitting behind her snickers as she continues kicking Victoria's chair. 

All Victoria can do is roll her eyes and strategically flash the middle finger to the bitch behind her. Once the torturous class is out, Victoria makes her way to lunch: her favorite part of the day.

That's when she saw Patty, the girl who kicked her chair. She started making her way towards her and suddenly ran into the street. A car nearly hit her and slammed on its brakes, but that didn't stop her. If anything, it made her even more determined. She ran for Patty and attacked her, first pulling her by the hair and tackling her to the ground. Patty hadn't even realized what was happening until it was too late. Victoria wouldn't stop until her vision was covered in red, whether it be Patty's carrot hair or her blood. Either would do.

Some other girls saw what was happening and tried prying Victoria off of Patty but it was no use, she was too strong. So in a desperate attempt to save Patty, two of the girls kicked Victoria on her side. She yelped in pain and stayed still for a couple seconds too long because then Patty started kicking her as well. The girls formed a ring around her, warning her to stay down. Those girls just liked to fight but Patty and her newfound bald patch wanted vengeance.

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