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Dear Diary,

The most wonderful thing in the whole wide world has happened. I can hardly believe it's true. But here I am, in Copenhagen, and I've finally found my family. Now I know who I really am.

Dimitri was right. I am the Grand Duchess Anastasia!

I am so grateful to Dimitri and Vladimir. I never would have found my grandmother without them.

Of course, I couldn't have done it without Pooka's help, too. Everyone believed in me.

What an adventure we had just getting here! We survived train rides and boat rides...and all kinds of strange things. None of that seems important now, because now I have my family.

I was right about something else, too—that somebody loves me very much. And that somebody is my grandmother, Maria. She says I have my father's eyes and my mother's beauty, but most of all I think I have her spirit. Who would have dreamed that Anya the little orphan girl is really Anastasia, the grand duchess?

Well, here I am, finally, with my family at last.

Together in Copenhagen.


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