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Dear Diary,

I have the most wonderful, exciting news! I am finally in Copenhagen!

Dimitri has brought me to the Royal Danish Theatre to meet the Dowager Empress, Maria Feodorovna. I hope she can tell me if I really am her granddaughter.

Dimitri and Vladimir seem to be more certain than ever that I am Anastasia.

I'm afraid I've been a bit too hard on Dimitri. He really does have my best interests at heart. But he's just told me that we might not get to meet Maria after all. It seems that the prima ballerina has lost her good luck slipper. If it can't be found, the show will be cancelled!

How she could have lost her slipper is beyond me, but everyone has gone off to look for it.

I'm sure she's just misplaced it. After all, how many places can a ballet slipper hide? It has to be around here somewhere.

You know, Pooka likes to chew on shoes. Maybe he can find it!


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