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Dear Diary,

Today I said good-bye to my friends at the orphanage, and hello to the new life that waits for me.

I must say I was happy to leave Comrade Phlegmenkoff behind. She doesn't understand how I feel at all. She always laughs at me when I talk about finding my family, but I know there must be somebody out there who cares for me.

I think the answer lies in Copenhagen. All I have from my past is a necklace from someone who once loved me very much. It says "Together in Copenhagen," so I know that's where I have to go. Now all I have to do is figure out how to get there!

In the meantime, I've found a new friend. Well, actually, I think he found me. He's a sweet little dog that I've decided to name Pooka.

It was his idea to go to Leningrad, and who am I to argue with a dog?

So here we are, trying to find a way to get to Copenhagen. Taking the train would seem the obvious way, but since I don't have the right travelling papers, we can't even get on board.

I've been told that somebody named Dimitri might be able to help us, but I have no idea how we're going to find him! I only hope that Pooka can help me track him down.


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