'Ginny, you know that I have more money than I could ever use due to the wolvescure potion. I'd love to give Fred and George the money they need to open a joke shop. We can all use a good laugh, and they really make me laugh. Please ask them to open their own account at Gringotts if they don't have one yet, and I'll transfer some money into their account,' Harry promised, thinking to the girl, as they had just entered Zonko's, which was extremely crowded.

'I'm not sure if they'd accept your money, Harry, but thank you very much for offering,' Ginny thought back as they made their way through the shop.

"Ah, fresh air!" Harry let out a relieved sigh as they stepped back onto the main street, causing Ginny to laugh.

"Yes, I'm sorry for dragging you in there. Where do you want to head next?"

"The bookshop?" Harry suggested, causing the girl to nod enthusiastically.

Fortunately, Flourish and Blotts was not crowded at all. Merely Hermione and Blaise were skimming the bookshelves, excitedly pointing out interesting books to each other.

'Are they on a date as well?' Harry mused as he followed Ginny, who led him to the Healing section.

"I'd love to become a healer or at least a mediwitch after taking my NEWTs," Ginny whispered, "but don't tell anyone yet. I'm also interested in psychology, so I'd love to buy a book about that."

"That's a good idea," Harry replied thoughtfully. "I'm sure you'd make a great psychologist or healer. You still have three years to decide though."

"Yes, of course, although I thought maybe I'd be able to begin taking classes after my OWLs next year, either at St. Mungo's or with Madam Pomfrey. I don't know if it's possible, but in order to enquire if there's a possibility I have to decide exactly on what I want to do," Ginny informed him, smiling.

Together they skimmed the bookshelf of the Healing Arts section and chose a few books, out of which Ginny tried to decide on one she wanted the most. 'I intended to buy her a ring or something, but I'm not sure about that and it maybe just a bit early for that anyway, considering this is our first date, so I could buy the books for her instead,' Harry thought, seeing that Ginny was having a hard time choosing which to buy.

"Let's get them all," he said gently, taking the books from her, and headed to the cash desk. "Please take the money from my vault," he instructed the clerk.

"Thank you so much, Harry," Ginny said with genuine excitement as they left the shop.

'She looks even more beautiful when she blushes,' Harry thought as he replied, "You're welcome, Ginny."

Glancing at his wrist watch, Harry noticed that it was already time for lunch and led his date to The Three Broomsticks, where the rest of their friends were already drinking butterbeer, waiting for them.

Harry ordered two Chicken Teriyaki sandwiches and two butterbeers for Ginny and himself and quietly listened to his friends' excited babbling, exchanging a few thoughts with Ginny every now and then. 'We still need to go to Honeydukes. I have to buy chocolate frogs for my brother,' he just thought to Ginny, when a loud voice penetrated their ears, making them shudder at the sound.

"Elves are low creatures and only exist to serve wizards," the voice shouted, and suddenly, the world around the friends turned black.


When Harry's mind slowly returned to consciousness, he found himself alone on a cold stone floor in a completely dark room. His whole body was in pain, and he had no idea where he was, what time it was, and where his friends were. 'I have to transform and flash to Ginny,' he mused, but the pain that shot through his body at the slightest movement prevented him from transforming into his phoenix form.

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