"Harry, we were trying to think of a name for the baby. Do you have a suggestion?" Minerva asked gently, apparently noticing that her son cast her a questioning look.

Harry sighed in surprise. "Have you come up with any ideas yet?" he asked curiously.

"The only name, which we both like so far, is Alexander, but we're still hoping for a better idea," Minerva admitted in a soft voice.

"What about Felix?" Harry suggested. "As far as I remember from the Latin that Uncle Moony taught me, Felix means happy in Latin, and I think that he'll be very happy to be born into a family with three people who already love him very much."

"Oh Harry, you're so sweet," Minerva said and smiled, pulling her son into a bear hug. "I like Felix. Let's see what Dad says."

Once Severus returned and was given Harry's suggestion he replied, "Why not? We can always save Alexander for the next child," with a smirk, causing Minerva to groan and Harry to laugh.


Felix Severus McGonagall-Snape was born during the second week of the summer holidays.

When Harry woke up in the morning, his godmother Alice was sitting on the edge of his bed. "Good morning, sweetie. Did you sleep well?" she asked, gently.

"Good morning," Harry replied in sudden concern. "Is something wrong with my parents?"

"No Harry, but you're going to become a big brother very soon," Alice said softly. "Your father had to take your Mum to the hospital wing very early this morning, and your parents asked me to keep you company, because they didn't want you to wake up alone. Why don't you get dressed and come with me to our quarters? Your father will come and get you as soon as the baby is born."

Neville, Harry, and Teddy spent the morning talking in Neville's room, and Harry's two friends did their best to distract Harry, who was very excited and couldn't wait to see his baby brother.

"I miss playing Quidditch with our team from primary class," Harry said all of a sudden. "I won't even be able to join one of the Hogwarts house teams, because I don't belong to just one house."

"That's really a pity, especially because I'm sure the team captains would kill to have you as Seeker. You're better than anyone else," Neville replied firmly.

"Maybe you could play for both teams," Teddy replied thoughtfully and then suggested, "and when Gryffindor has to play Slytherin they have to use someone else."

"No," Harry laughed suddenly. "I have a much better idea. Listen, we could..."

Alice interrupted him, before he could explain his thoughts to Neville and Teddy, "Harry, your father is here."

"Harry, you're a big brother now," Severus told him, smiling happily at his oldest son. "Do you want to visit Felix?"

"Did you really name him Felix?" Harry asked in surprise.

"Yes Harry, we named him Felix. We both like the name, and we thought it was a good idea to let you name your brother."

"I love that." Harry replied excitedly. 'Wow; I got to name my baby brother. That's so cool.'

"Once Felix is old enough we'll tell him that it was you who came up with his name and why, and once he hears it, he'll be very proud to have such a brilliant big brother," Severus said. Gently laying an arm around Harry's shoulders, he slowly walked with him into the hospital wing to the small extra room, where Minerva had given birth to Felix.

"Oh, he's so tiny!" Harry exclaimed in complete amazement.

"Sit down, Harry, and then you may hold him," Minerva said gently, carefully putting the baby into her oldest son's arms.

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