The One with the Long-Weekend

Start from the beginning


We went to the nearest grocery. It's like fifth-teen minutes away from her place. We were walking around, grabbing some beers as promised to complete her favourite combination.

When suddenly Em stopped walking, so I looked around to see what made her stop. I followed her gaze and someone is also looking intently at her.

"Hey," he said to her. She stopped moving. Nothing at all. No single reaction from her for I think 10 seconds.

"Jake," she said with a surprised look on her face. "Em," he responded back.

"Emma," I want to correct him but I didn't. He doesn't have the right to call him Em anymore.

"Haven't seen you in like two years?," he says with a half smile.

"Ah.. yeah, more than two years," she corrects him. That's right baby, rub it in his face.

"So, how've you've been?," he asks her. Seriously dude, this is not the time to catch up. I know what he is trying to do, he's trying to ignore that Em is with someone. That guy has got to stop what he's doing, or else I won't be able to control myself anymore. I flexed my strong arms on the handle of the cart. See that? That's what you're trying to mess with.

"Doing perfect," she smiles genuinely then looks at me. That softened my whole body like I want to kiss her and make a different scene instead.

Then she looks back at him, "This is Vin," she said. "The boyfriend," I added with full confidence while my eyes is still with her, gawking at her face. This is the first time I called myself a boyfriend and how lucky am I to actually rub it on this guy's face.

"Yes," she laughs softly. I know she has completely forgotten that Jake is right infront of us. She looked at me with full love on her eyes, now I can say the butterflies are officially part of me. It tickles my stomach, dancing like idiots, making me smile like an idiot.

"Happy to see you're doing good, Em." He says that stopped whatever our eyes has been doing to each other. She said more than good, dude. I'm back at the pissing contest. She said she's doing perfect. Search it on google if you don't know what it means.

We both looked at him. "Thanks, Jake. I've seen your daughter's picture, she's beautiful." She says with a full smile on her face. No trace of bitterness on her tone.

Jake half smiled, "Thanks Em. I'm going. It was nice seeing you." Em replied with, "Same here."

Then he left us on the aile. The moment he left us alone, Em looked at me. I placed my arms on her shoulders and kissed her forehead to assure her that everything's fine. She smiled at me and snuggled her nose on my shirt.

"That's so random, I can't believe I've never been here for years." she says with a half laugh.

"It happened for a reason, God wants you to have a perfect comeback," I assured her.

"Probably, let's go babe. I'm super starving with all the sex that we had," she says.

"Which means I need to get this cart filled with food, we'll have more sex today," I started walking and grabbing random food on our cart.

"and tomorrow," she added. She standing behind me, so I looked back. She's grinning like a kid, like she is about to say something that will make me happy.

"I'm.. I'm actually on leave tomorrow. We can spend more time together, or I can actually send you home tomorrow, I guess. I don't know. Whatever —," I stopped her. Whatever she's about to say, I'm totally onboard.

"Shhhhh... you're talking non-stop baby. Yes! Whatever you want to do, I'm good with it,"
I said.

I am so happy today. We're together for like a day and Em already made an effort to spend more time with me. I know Em, she doesn't go on unplanned leaves. I can see on her face that she just decided to go on leave, to spend more time with me. She even wanted to visit my new place.

We wrapped up our shopping spree in thirty minutes. Em bought a lot of food, she been asking non-stop what do I normally eat at home and she's been grabbing everything food that I said. She bought two of each which surprises me. She also asked me to buy toiletries, and asks me if I still have stocks at home. "You're the only person who doesn't visit the groceries," I teased her.

"Thank God for online shopping," she says. "I almost forgot how fun it is to be shopping real time."

Aside from food, she asked me to buy set of toiletries even though I asked her I'm still full at home. She also bought her own with two of each again.

"Someone's enjoying too much," I said.

When we're in the cashier, she asked the attendant to place the food on two separate bags. Since she brought two of each, she gave specific instructions to have it divide it equally. Same with the toiletries, the other bag has mine and hers. While a seperate bag has the other set of her stuff.

"OCD?," I asks. "Nope, this one goes to my house and this goes to yours," she said.

"How about this one? Why did you have my things combined with yours?," I asked her.

Her face immediately turns red, she's blushing. Earlier, she has been demanding on buying my stuff, giving instructions to the attendant. Now, she's blushing like a teenager.

"This is actually for my place, while that one is for your place," she says shyly.

I smile widely. Does this day gets even better. "Perfect," I replied referring to what she did and to her. She fits me perfectly.

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