Harry gave his godmother a small nod and silently followed her up to her office. Over the next three hours, he helped Poppy organizing her shelves, feeling very happy when she thanked him profoundly. 'Aunt Poppy,' he thought to his godmother, hesitantly, 'May I transform into the Chameguise and try to duplicate myself? I tried together with Uncle Severus this morning but I couldn't manage yet.'

Poppy gave him a worried look. "Harry, I'm not sure what problems could occur and how I'd be able to help you if something happened," she replied, seeming reluctant.

Harry sighed. 'This morning, I tried to just duplicate my head and had two heads. I felt very sick and couldn't transform or do anything else because I had two heads thinking different things at the same time. That time Uncle Severus stunned one of my heads, so that I could change back into my human form. So I have to try to duplicate my whole body at the same time, which is very difficult. Therefore, I don't think much would happen if I tried now,' he explained.

"I'm sorry, sweetie, but after what happened this morning I think it would be better for you to rest than to try again today. It won't do you any good to deplete your magic and your energy," Poppy said firmly and suggested, "Shall we go flying instead for a while?"

Harry's eyes started to twinkle happily and he let out a small, "Oh, yes please," which sounded like music in Poppy's ears.

"Oh, Harry, it's so nice to hear you talk," she commended her godson approvingly, receiving a small smile in return.

When Poppy and Harry were flying around the Quidditch pitch, Rolanda Hooch joined them and brought a Snitch with her, which she released - to Harry's great pleasure. Even if he was flying on a children's broom that was smaller and a bit slower than the normal brooms that the two women were using, nearly every time he was the first to catch the small, golden ball.

"You're absolutely brilliant!" Rolanda commended Harry after an hour of flying and catching the Snitch. "I bet you'll be playing for your house team for at least six years," she added, grinning broadly.

"Definitely," Poppy agreed before she added, "and put yourself into the hospital wing every other week."

Harry shook his head at his godmother, laughing.


In the morning, Harry met Severus in his quarters. As Harry had not yet managed to duplicate himself, they had decided that he might as well practise inside the castle. This time however, Harry transformed into his Chameguise form and managed to duplicate himself immediately. He looked stunned at the second animal that was slowly walking around Severus' living room, thinking, 'I really managed it, although I've no clue how I did that,' before Severus' voice pulled him out of his thoughts.

"Congratulations, Harry, you've managed to duplicate yourself. Now, I suggest you shift back into your human form and tell Tom to come to Hogwarts and meet us behind Hagrid's hut."

'Okay,' Harry thought to the teacher and changed back into his human form. 'Tom, can you hear me? Can you come to Hogwarts behind Hagrid's hut now immediately? Come quickly, I can help you,' he thought excitedly.

'Hey Harry, calm down,' Tom replied immediately. 'I'm in the Forbidden Forest anyway, so I can be there in two minutes.'

'Ah all right, I think it will take us about ten minutes, so wait for us behind Hagrid's hut,' Harry repeated before he turned to Severus, telling him excitedly, "He's already waiting for us, let's go." He was so excited that he didn't even notice that he spoke aloud.

Severus scooped the second Chameguise into his arms and carried it, and they walked up to the Entrance hall and left through the castle's main door. When they arrived behind Hagrid's hut, Severus placed the animal onto the ground, and Harry called Tom, 'Tom, where are you? We're here, and we brought a Chameguise, which is a second version of myself. So if you wish to take his body, you can do it now.'

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