
"It worked," he stated, entering Poppy's office. "The old coot expects all of you in an hour, while I'll stay with the boy," he promised, turning to Poppy.

For the next hour, the eight teachers made plans on how to hide Harry in Hogwarts throughout the week. Even if he could live in Minerva's quarters, the child could not stay there all on his own while Minerva was teaching classes.

"I could ask my house elves Cecilia and Malcolm to come to Hogwarts and remain in my quarters, at least while I'm teaching," Minerva suggested hesitantly.

"Harry could also stay with me," Poppy said thoughtfully. "He could remain in my private quarters, we'd only need to take a few precautions, so that Albus wouldn't be able to see and hear him."

"In the worst case scenario," Severus spoke up, "we could disguise him to look like me so that I could tell Albus that he was my nephew and was staying with me for a while. Then I could just take him to the classroom with me."

"Fortunately, we still have a month until we have to make a final decision," Poppy replied. "We better leave for the meeting with Dumbledore now."

After a few instructions from Poppy on what to do when Harry woke up, Severus headed out to watch over the child, while the others left for their meeting.


Harry was captured in fever dreams about old men with long white beards, who came to catch him and throw him into cupboards or handed him over to his Uncle Vernon, who beat him so that his whole body hurt. He started shivering so badly that he woke up. Hesitantly opening his eyes just a little bit, he saw Uncle Severus sitting on a chair next to his bed engrossed in a book. Noticing that it had only been a dream but that he was really sore, Harry groaned inwardly, snuggling deeper into his covers. He slowly began to panic again. 'I felt so much better yesterday, why is it so bad again? Did the man with the white beard do something to me and now I'm dying?' he wondered silently, pressing a hand against his hurting head.

'You're not dying, you just have to be patient,' the friendly voice in his head spoke to Harry again. 'Why are you so upset today? What happened? Who is the old man with the white beard? Dumbledore?'

'Yes, he told Aunt Minerva she had to take me back to my relatives even though I'm still ill, but they'd just throw me back into my cupboard,' Harry thought back, noticing that it felt good to speak with someone. 'Why can I suddenly speak to you?' he suddenly remembered.

'I'm not sure,' the voice said pensively. 'Maybe you had a boost of magic a few days or weeks ago. I've been able to sense your feelings now for a few weeks. Now try not to get so upset, otherwise you'll make yourself worse again. And beware of Dumbledore, he's an old coot.'

'He is an old coot, whatever that is,' Harry confirmed. The friendly voice chuckled. 'Thanks for your help,' Harry thought, ending the conversation with his new friend.


Suddenly, Harry felt that something cold was placed on his forehead and opened his eyes in shock. Feeling very thirsty, he reached for the water that Poppy had placed on his night table.

"I'm sorry, it was not my intention to wake you," he heard a soft, silky voice and gave the professor an astonished glance.

'Was that him? Can he speak so nicely? But he hates me; he said that, didn't he?' he thought with a confused look on his face.

"I don't hate you, child. I despised your father but you don't seem to be at all like him. But the headmaster has to believe that I hate you, so when he's around, I might say very mean things to you," the teacher kindly told Harry and handed him the water followed by a potions phial.

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