Nozomi x Shy!reader

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You could pick which year you want to be. 1st, 2nd, or 3rd year. Doesn't really matter.


Your POV

Mother said that I'd be transferring to a school in Tokyo. Living in the country side for most of my life, everyone knew each other. Now, we're moving to a big city where I won't know a single soul.

"Y/N lets go or we'll miss the train." Mom called to me.

I grabbed my bags and left the bench I was sitting on and rushed over towards her and got on the train.


Walking towards the gate, I suddenly saw a huge wave of people walking towards the school. Being the shy girl that I am, I ran to the nearest hiding place, which of course, since I was new and didn't know where anything was, meant sprinting like an idiot into the building and finding the nearest restrooms to hide in.

I hid in the bathroom for a good 15 minutes until the bell rang. Crap, I'm going to be late.

As I reached my classroom all eyes, of course, were on me.

"Class, we have a new student." The teacher said as she gestured me to walk towards her.

My body was shaking like crazy. I hate being the center of attention.

"This is L/N, F/N. L/N, why don't you take a seat in the empty desk in the back."

I did as she told me and sped walked to the desk.

As the bell rang, everyone was surrounding me, asking questions. I started shivering in fear again and managed to find a small hole to escape. As I was running, like an idiot, they began chasing me. What the hell!?

I decided to lose them by barging into an empty room. And of course, being the genius I am, didn't bother to read the sign of what the door lead to.

As I closed the door, I screamed.

"My, my, you still have some growing to do."

I slowly look to see who's behind me. A girl with purple hair tied in two low pig tails smiling at me with her hands giving my breasts a harder squeeze. I squealed.

"Nozomi, let the girl go."

I froze and turned towards the new voice. Another person was in the room.

"Aww, but Elichi~ She's so warm and soft."


"Okay, okay."

And with that, the girl let me go.

"Hehe, by the way, my name is Nozomi Toujou. I'm the vice president of the student council. And the cool and cute blonde over there is Elichi Ayase, the student council president."

Just my luck

"I-I-I'm s-so s-s-sorry." I bowed and turn tailed out the door.


"My-my, that girl was a cutie~ maybe I should go find her later."

"Nozomi, we have more important things to worry about."

"You know, it would be easier if you joined Honoka and her friends in the idol group."


"Elichi, your so stubborn."

I left the student council room only to find Y/N right there in front of the door.

I grinned. Just as I was about to reach out, she turned and shook. I stopped my advancement for a second and she made a run for it.

"Well, a shy cutie. I love shy girls."


As the final bell rang, Elichi got up and headed towards the student council room. I decided to head to the bathroom first. As I went into the bathroom I saw Y/N. She looked at me and was about to run again when I grabbed her and pulled her into a hug.

"Now, now, I don't bite. Why are you running?" I also noticed her heart beating faster and faster. Her face was getting redder too.

"P-please let go." She said quietly.

"Why do you want me to let go? You know, ever since you ran through that door, my heart raced and I just knew you were the love of my life. My cards told me yesterday that I'd have a fateful encounter and that fateful encounter would be my love~ my cards never lie.

"I-I love you too." She turned beat red.

Your POV

"I-I love you too." I felt my face burning up. I bet I was as red as a tomato. I only met this girl today and yet, when I first looked at her, my heart beat much faster than it normally would when I saw other people. I knew it was love. I knew at that point I fell in love with someone I hardly know. All the love books I've read pretty much says it all. That's why I've been running. I was afraid what she would have thought of me if she found out.

"How about we take this to my apartment. The bathroom isn't really a good place to get closer to each other." Nozomi said.

"O-okay." I couldn't believe she returned my feelings.

"When it comes to true love, your heart knows. The heart never lies. Even if you've just met that person. Love is love, we don't decide who it is.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2018 ⏰

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