EVP: what is EVP?

RYAN: oh, um, electronic voice phenomena? It's what we call voices from spirits on tape recorders and stuff

SHANE: It's you Olive!

EVP: Ollie

SHANE: I think she wants to be called by her real name dude

RYAN: Olive Thomas?

EVP: Just Ollie.

SHANE: I gotta say, I'm loving the nickname Ol, it suits you

OLLIE: Just Shane?

SHANE: Yeah, I mean Shane Madej if you're my mum, or Shaniac if you're a skeptic

OLLIE: You don't believe?

SHANE: Well I mean- I do now it's just-

OLLIE: Yes or no

SHANE: Y-Yes okay fine! I believe in ghosts, are you happy?

RYAN: Woah

SHANE: Shutup. She just ate my ramen, I'm skeptical but I'm not blind.

RYAN: Woah.

OLLIE: Woah?

RYAN: Very woah. I can't believe you just said that. Shane Madej just admitted openly on film for the world to see, that ghosts are in fact 100% real. The boogaras have won, I can't believe this.

SHANE: you didn't do anything shortstack, it was all Ollie, you get zero credit for this.

OLLIE: boo-gara?

SHANE: it's like Shaniac, but for idiots.

RYAN: It means you believe in the existence of spirits. You know boo, like a ghost says "boo" kind of thing..

OLLIE: that's an offensive stereotype.


OLLIE: I'm joking? Don't have to be so scared.


RYAN: I'm sorry Olive- Uh Ollie, sorry. We're just not used to actual real life spirits...

OLLIE: You're ghost-hunters?

RYAN: About that... We've never actually caught anything...

SHANE: Until today, my amigo!

OLLIE: I'll be famous?

RYAN: Maybe?

SHANE: There's a pretty good chance after this one goes up

RYAN: Is that okay with you? We can always stop..?

OLLIE: People will.... See me?

RYAN: I mean, sort of? They'll hear you and watch the way you move things.

OLLIE: Good people?

SHANE: Ollie, I can assure you, the Shaniacs are the nicest people you will ever meet. Incredible taste, great sense of humour, keen eye for science, zero bullshit tolerance-

RYAN: Don't listen to him Olive, we won't let anyone hurt you if that's what you're worried about?

OLLIE: People can be... scary


SHANE: Everything is scary Ol, heck us idiots think ghosts are the scariest things in the world, have you seen our movies?

RYAN: He's got a point, most of them are just scared. Like seeing a spider!

OLLIE: Hey! Spiders are friends!

RYAN: not the point, but okay.

SHANE: dude! Stop pissing off the ghost

RYAN: if anyone's pissing off the ghost it's you!

SHANE: How dare you, Ollie loves me!

RYAN: Not as much as show loves me, you didn't even believe in her an hour ago!

SHANE: I gave her a nickname! She'd probably die for me at this point in our friendship!

RYAN: That makes no sense! Do you even understand what a ghost is?

SHANE: You make no sense!

RYAN: W-What?!

SHANE: You heard me!

RYAN: I heard you being dumb!

SHANE: You are what you eat!

RYAN: What is wrong with you?!

SHANE: I'm sorry did i stutter?!

OLLIE: Guys!


OLLIE: I told you! Old married couple!!

RYAN & SHANE: Shut-up Ollie!

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