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I've eaten twice in twelve days. I know I've lost a little weight, and I'm weak. Hopefully I'll just die soon. I'm in pain. My body is sore, I'm hungry, I'm dehydrated, and I'm emotionally damaged.

Oliver slowly opens the door and looks at me. He hands me a piece of cheese. I eat it and he watches me.

Once I finish, he sighs and walks out. When he comes back, he's holding the same baby blue lingerie from almost two weeks before.

"Put it on, lovely." He states. I shake my head.

"Did you not fucking learn last time you told me no? Do I need to punish you further?" He growls.

I shake my head and my eyes widen. I don't know what else he could do, but I don't want to know.

He tosses it to me and my eyes tear up. I have no choice, and I know it.

I strip slowly and put on the gross clothing. Harry would've never made me do this.

"See, you look gorgeous." He smiles.

I ignore him, as my body is shaking and I begin to cry.

"Wait right here, darling. I'll be right back." He says.

I nod, feeling stupid and vulnerable and even pathetic.

I'm alone in the room for a long time.

"Louis!?" Someone calls. It isn't Oliver, and I don't even dare answering.

After a couple more minutes, the door creaks open and someone steps in. Then I recognize their uniform. He's a cop.

My eyes grow wide, and I don't even know what to say or think or do.

"Oh, fuck." The cop sighs as he looks at me.

I say nothing.

"Come on, Louis. Harry's waiting outside."

I perk up at the sound of Harry's name. Though I'm weak and can't run very fast, I do run. I run all through the house, out the open front door, and right into Harry's arms. He picks me up and I wrap my legs around his waist.

He gives me a big shirt to put on over the skimpy blue cloth I'm wearing, and I happily put it on.

"Louis, you're tiny. You've lost so much weight. What happened to you?" He asks.

I would answer him and explain everything, but I'm sobbing into his chest.

"We need to get him to the hospital." The cop that's handcuffing Oliver states.

Harry sighs and kisses my forehead softly.

I'm placed in the passenger seat of Harry's car and I stare out the window. Neighbors are on their porches watching or peering out their windows, and I feel ashamed.

I want them to stop looking, but they won't. So I just try to pretend they're not there while Harry talks to the cops. I can't hear them, but Harry seems upset about everything. Understandably so.

After what seems like forever, Harry gets into the driver's seat.

"You're going to get cleaned up at the hospital after we check you in. Baby, look at me." He says.

My eyes meet his stunning green ones.

"You've got to try to tell them what happened. We're here for you, we won't hurt you, and it's the only way they can actually punish Oliver." He tells me.

I nod, though I hesitate.

"I know it'll be hard, Louis. But you have to promise me you're going to try." He frowns.

"I promise." I croak.

"I love you so much." He reminds me.

"I love you more." I reply.

He kisses my forehead gently.

"I love you most."

With that, he starts the car and begins driving towards the hospital. There's cops behind us and it's a very uncomfortable feeling. I throw up once on the way there.

When we get there, I can barely stand. Harry decides to carry me into the hospital instead.

I feel kind of bad, but there isn't much I can do.

The cop checks me in and Harry carries me into the bathroom. The cops follows us in, and closes and locks the door.

Harry sets me on the counter and wets some paper towels. He hands them to me and I begin wiping my face. He helps me a bit, but it still takes a while. Eventually, the dirt is off my face, arms, and legs.

I stand up, with Harry ready to catch me if I fall, and look into the mirror. He's right, I have lost a lot of weight. And I'm bruised. I look awful.

"I'm disgusting." I croak out. My hair is a disaster, there's bags under my eyes, and I look so weak and pathetic.

"No, you're not." Harry states.

I shake my head and tear my dull eyes away from the mirror. I don't want to see myself any longer.

We leave the bathroom, with Harry holding me, and get called back into a room.

Harry sets me on the little bed thing, and the nurse just examines me for a moment.

"He needs sustenance. I need to weigh him and take his vitals and stuff. And I'll need to do a blood test." She states.

I nod.

She leads me out of the room and to a smaller room, with a scale and lots of machines.

I step on the scale and watch the numbers. 95 pounds.

"That isn't healthy." She mumbles as she writes it, and takes my height.

When I get back to the room, she takes my pulse and blood pressure and everything.

"Let me take your blood, and get an IV in. Okay? Don't worry, it will only hurt for a moment." She tells me. I nod.

Harry stands up and takes my hand, lacing our fingers together.

I feel a needle in my arm, and she takes quite a bit of blood. I can't watch it, so I look into Harry's glistening eyes instead. We don't say anything, but it's comforting just to have him here.

After she takes my blood, she prepares an IV and puts it in.

I think I passed out.

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