I know there's no point in even looking for something to do. There's nothing.

I look down at my wrists. They're bruised around, like a bracelet. I can feel bruises on my face as well, and I have a couple on my arms and legs.

I've only been in here for about an hour when I start pretending Harry's here with me, along with our three best friends. It helps entertain me a little bit. I pretend he's here and imagine him saying comforting things to me. I imagine us having a conversation. I imagine us being happy.

Maybe I am going crazy. But I might as well try to have fun while I do. Maybe losing my mind won't even be so bad, if it keeps me content.

When I start to remember the mess I've made with myself and Harry and our relationship, I lay down in the corner. I pretend Harry's got his arms around me protectively. I pretend he's softly singing me to sleep. The tears come, but they don't stay very long. I fall asleep fast.

The room is cold, so I have a sore throat when I wake up. I don't know what time it is, but all of the lights are off in the house. That's all I can see under the door. My light is still on, but I leave it on. I can't handle pure darkness.

Why am I awake? I don't need anything, nobody's come into the room with me, and I'm still in the same place and position I was laying in.

Then I hear frantic pounding on the front door. That must be what made me wake up.

This would've been a perfect opportunity to escape, had I not been locked in a bland room.

After several more knocks, the front door opens.

"What?" I hear Oliver ask.

"Hey, Oliver. We need to talk." Max says. Why is Max here?

Oliver leads him into the kitchen, and I only know that it's the kitchen because the room in imprisoned in is right by the kitchen. Anyway, he turns the light on and they sit down at the table.

"What's up, Max?" Oliver questions. Max sighs audibly.

"Louis is missing." He states.

"What?" Oliver gasps. As if he had no idea.

"Look, Oliver. I know you've got those issues... And I know that you... had feelings for Louis. Please tell me if you've got anything to do with this. Or even if you know where he is. Please, Oliver." Max pleads. Oliver scoffs.

"I don't. I have no idea where he's at. And my therapist thinks my problems are getting better." He defends himself.

"Oliver, you haven't even been to the therapist in four months." Max reasons. his voice staying soft.

It's quiet for a moment.

"Do you have any idea where Louis is? Please just tell me so he can come home." Max says.

"I don't know where he is, Max! And besides, even if I did, I wouldn't tell you!" Oliver snaps.

"I won't involve cops or anything. Harry's worried sick about him. So am I, and so are Zayn and Liam and Niall. His parents are worried. His sisters are worried. We just want him home." Max explains.

"You don't think I'm worried!? I don't know where he is!" Oliver exclaims. Like I'm not less than one hundred feet away from both of them.

I'd pound on the wall or door, but I'm scared he would hurt Max. I can't let him hurt Max. Not because of me.

"Then have you at least heard from him?" Max tries.

It's quiet, and I assume Oliver shakes his head no, because Max sighs.

"When was the last time you saw him?"

"When I dropped him off." Oliver lies.

"Harry says that he never came home that night, Oliver. Tell me the truth."

"I dropped him off at a convenience store down the road. He said he needed to run in and get something, but that he wanted to walk home from there. He said he had a lot on his mind." Again, a lie.

I roll over and accidentally hit the wall. The kitchen falls silent, and it's kind of eery.

I stay silent as well.

"What was that?" Max asks.

"It was probably my niece. We probably woke her up. I'm babysitting for the night." Oliver didn't even hesitate to make up a story.

"Hmm. Well, I'm sorry to bother you and your... niece then. I'll just go. Have a nice night." Max says.

"You too." Oliver chuckles. "I hope you find Louis. Let me know if you hear anything, okay?"

"Yeah, of course." Max agrees.

Then he leaves.

A moment later, Oliver opens the door to my room.

"What the fuck, Louis?" He demands.

"I didn't mean to!" I squeak. But it's too late. He's hitting me and pushing me against the wall and even choking me.

"Stop!" I gasp. He hits me a couple more times before glaring at me.

"You're going to get us caught and ruin our relationship. Quit acting like a spoiled brat." He growls. Then he turns the light off and walks out. The door almost slams behind him and he locks it. I curl up in the corner. The room is so dark, and I hate the dark.

I begin crying, and it turns into sobs. My whole body is shaking, and I bring my knees up to my chest as I sit up.

I'm never going to escape this. He's going to kill me.

I put my face in my knees and keep sobbing. There's nothing else to do, and I couldn't stop if I wanted to.

I want to go home. I want Harry and I want to continue life and to be happy. I want to be out.

I wish Max would go to the cops. They'd come here, and then I'd dare to hit the walls and door and maybe even scream at them. They'd make him open the door and I would be free.

If only Max would go to the cops.

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