Three months. That's how long I've been here. I'm kept in the room for a full month and a week. He only feeds me six times in that time.

I'm not allowed to speak to Harry even once, and I'm never allowed to leave the room. I've thrown up a couple more times.

I'm losing hope that I'm ever going to make it out of this. Harry and I won't be getting married in three months. I'll never see him again.

I thought they'd be looking for me, but I guess I thought wrong.

It's late at night when someone comes to the door.

"Harry?" Oliver asks. Harry!?

"We need to talk." Harry says.

His voice is even more beautiful than I remembered it.


I remember the night that Max came, and it seems almost the same. Except that now my fiance is out there.

They sit in the kitchen.

"How'd you find me?" Oliver wonders.

"Max told me where your house is." Harry tells him. "Have you heard from Louis?"

"No. Hasn't he been gone for three months?" Oliver asks innocently.

"Yeah. We don't know where he is." Harry sighs.

"That sucks man. Well, if there's anything I can do to help, let me know." Oliver says.

"Where is he, Oliver?" Harry demands.

"I don't know. Why do people assume it was me?" Oliver scoffs.

Harry sighs.

"Oliver, just please tell us where he's at. You won't be in any trouble. Please, Oliver. I'll give you anything you want. Please." Harry begs.

"I don't know where he is! I swear! I'll tell you if I hear anything." Oliver says.

It's quiet for a moment.

"Who's phone is that?" Harry demands.

"That? Um, it's my girlfriend's. She's asleep upstairs." Oliver lies. He's good at coming up with simple lies on the spot.

"It looks just like my fiance's." Harry challenges.

"Oh. That's cool, I guess. I thought Louis left you though, Harry." Oliver giggles.

It goes quiet.

"How would you know that?" Harry asks.

"Max told me." Oliver blurts.

"That's real funny. I didn't tell Max." Harry informs him.

"W- well, one of your friends told me. It's been so long, Harry. And I'm half awake." Oliver tries to cover his mistake.

"No. I didn't tell anybody. I didn't want to until Louis and I could talk about things face to face." Harry says.

Oliver says nothing.

"Where's Louis?" Harry demands.

"I don't know."

"Oliver, I'm going to ask you one more time. Where the hell is Louis?" Harry growls.

It's quiet for a second.

"I don't know."

Harry sighs.

"Fine. I'll go then."

"Have a good night." Oliver says.

"You too." Harry replies.

"Good luck finding him. Let me know if you hear anything?" Oliver suggests.

"Yeah, of course." Harry says.

I hear the front door open and close. And it's not long before Oliver comes into the bland room.

"Your little fiance was about to catch onto us, Louis. Good thing I can lie, right? It's okay. We get to stay together." He tells me. I say nothing. I want to go home.

"Don't be upset, lovely. He's doing okay. You can let him go. You don't need to feel bad for hurting him, he's going to be just fine. And so are we." He smiles at me. I ignore him.

"Stop ignoring me, lovely. I'm really not in the mood for this game right now." He groans. I don't say anything; there's nothing I can say.

"Louis, can you please say something?" His brown eyes meet mine.

"I want to go home." I mutter. He chuckles at my answer.

"Lovely, don't be silly. You are home." He grins.

I shake my head.


"No? No what?" He asks.

"I'm not home. Home is my house. The one Harry and I live in and pay for. Home is where Harry is. I'm not home." I explain to him.

To be fair, I knew it was going to piss him off.

He pushes me against the wall.

"You don't know what you're talking about." He growls. He hits me a couple of times before leaving.

I'm left alone all night. When he comes back the next morning, he sits in front of me for a while, studying me.

"Just a little more time and you can go back to your room, okay? Everything's okay." He informs me. I nod, but I don't want to say anything.

"Are you comfortable in here?" He asks me.

"No. Not really." I respond.

He presses his lips together.

"That's kind of the point of a punishment. You aren't supposed to be enjoying yourself. But hey, it'll be over soon lovely. I promise." His voice is soft and sweet.

Again, I'm at a loss for words. Anything I can conjure up in my head wouldn't exactly be the nicest thing to say, so I say nothing at all.

He stays for a while and talks to me about random things. I hardly listen, but once in a while I chime in a few words.

It's night by the time he leaves.

And once the door is locked and his footsteps fade away, I begin to cry. It comes with no warning, but I don't bother trying to stop it. It starts small, with just a few tears rolling down my cheeks.

But it doesn't take long for my quiet cries to turn into sobs. I hide my face in my hands and curl up. All I can do is cry. My nose is running and my head feels stuffy, but I can't stop. And I don't really care to.

My body shakes as I bring my knees to my chest. I've lost a little weight. That's okay.

I glance around my body, looking at the bruises that litter my body and the dirt the covers me. How do you get so dirty by just sitting in one plain room for almost two months?

I don't know, and I don't care. All I know is that I'd give anything to be home with Harry.

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