The Perfect Teacher

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  • Dedicated to Mrs. Walsh

I tried to find the perfect gift for the perfect teacher.

You'd understand my dilemma if only you could meet her.

I tried and tried and looked around, but to no avail.

I really couldn't do it. I never could prevail.

So I told this teacher, and, much to my surprise,

This teacher made my day right before my very eyes.

She understood my problem, oh, yes, did she ever.

This wonderful teacher just kept getting better and better.

So I thought and I thought and I thought some more.

I rode the bus home and thought right through the door.

And finally, it came to me in a thought oh so sweet:

I'd write her a poem, to make amends for being discreet.

A poem about how she was so great, so nice and made my day.

This perfect teacher, may I say, my favorite teacher made me happy today.

*This was a poem I wrote for my seventh grade ELA teacher over winter break, because I didn't buy her anything for Christmas and felt guilty. :) *

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