Percy Jackson Travels to the Past

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No One's POV

 All the campers of Camp Half Blood were in the pavilion, murmurs could be heard throughout the crowd, no one knew why they had been called down, all they knew was that it was probably important as Chiron had sounded very serious when he had called them. Young and newly claimed Percy Jackson was sitting at the Poseidon table wondering what was going on, though  he had learned to expect the unexpected being a demigod and all. Annabeth was ready to kill for some answers, she hated not knowing, and Grover was nervously waiting, eating a tin can he had grabbed from his backpack on the way down.'' Heroes I have a very important announcement to make'' Chiron said from the head table. ''I have been notified from the gods of the future that they will be sending some demigods from the future to help make life easier in the future and give advice''. Everyone just stared for a second before voices and exclamations of surprise burst out. 

''Campers settle down Please!'' Chiron said, '' the future campers will be coming in a couple of minutes, they don't know that they are coming and will appear in the middle of the task that they are in, training or sleeping for example.''  Voices started up again talking about the huge event that was about to take place.

 ''Wait'' Annabeth called from the Athena table. '' Which campers will be coming?''

 ''Thank you child I almost forgot'' Chiron said, ''the campers that will be coming are Percy Jackson, Annabeth Chase, Thalia Grace, Clarisse La Rue, Chris Rodriguez, Travis and Conner  Stoll, Katie Gardener, Nico DiAngelo, and some new campers that you have not met yet that include Piper Mclean, Jason Grace, Frank Zang, Hazel Levesque,  and Leo Valdez. (In this story Nico's already at camp as a hyperactive ten year old, and once the future campers come I'll call the present campers by their initials e.x. Percy Jackson = PJ).

 People were absolutely shocked, wasn't Thalia Grace a tree, did Jason Grace have any relation to her, wasn't Mclean the last name of a famous actor, were some obvious questions racing through the campers brains.  ''I know that this is a lot to take in but let's all calm down, the future campers will be here any second'' Chiron said.  Suddenly a bright light appeared out of no where, vanishing, and leaving Travis and Conner Stoll and a couple of monsters in its wake.

No One's POV

With a yell Travis Stabbed a telkhine through the chest as Conner slashed another one, both having serious and concentrated expressions on their faces, something you rarely see. ''Uh Conner'' Travis said having just noticed where they were.

 ''What is it Travi- Oh'' Conner said cutting himself off ''why are we back at camp and why is everyone so tiny'' Conner asked confusedly.

 ''Bro if I knew I would tell you.'' 

Meanwhile, TS, CS, and the rest of Camp Half Blood were looking up at them amazed. Future Travis and Conner looked like they where amazing fighters and no one had ever seen them look so serious before. Chiron stepped up to them and gave the same explanation that he had given the rest of the campers. ''Whoa'' Travis and Conner said at the same time ''stop copying me''  ''no you stop!'' ''pickle', unicorn, Percy!'' they said at the same time, trying to trip the other up. The campers laughed at their antics, secretly TS and CS were relieved, their future selves had acted so serious they had wondered how much they had changed and if it was for the better but their usual behavior had comforted them. Meanwhile PJ was wondering why they had said Percy, maybe they were closer in the future.

 ''Chiron'' Travis said,  ''we could use some ambrosia'' pointing to a gash on his left  arm and another on Conner's right leg. 

''And you might want to bring some more because if there are more demigods coming their going to need it'' Conner added. 

''Of course'' said Chiron motioning to an older Apollo camper,  '' but why are the other demigods going to need it, they all can't be injured''. 

''Actually I would be surprised if they don't need it''Travis said ''seeing as were at war', not that its our first''. 

 The campers gasped at this, why would they be at war! ''Why are you at war and what was your first one about'' an Apollo camper asked nervously. 

''Well'' Conner started ''the first one was to defeat Kronos and his army which consisted of to many monsters to count, Hyperion, Oceanus, ect.''

 ''WHAT!'' the campers exclaimed, ''Kronos came back!?"

 ''Yup said Travis nonchalantly, ''thank god we had Percy though otherwise we would have been crushed'' Conner nodded his head in agreement. 

''W-what'' PJ stuttered, he was absolutely shocked was he really that powerful, meanwhile Luke was having the same thoughts. Travis and Conner looked at him. 

"Wow its weird looking at a mini Percy'' Conner said. 

''Definitely'' Travis agreed. ''Well Perce in the future you super powerful and an amazing fighter'' he said. 

''So basically another selfish, stupid, annoying hero'' Dionysus said. 

''Don't talk that way about Percy'' Conner said looking fiercely at him.

 ''Yeah'' Travis said glaring, ''Percy is the best friend anyone could ask for and incredibly loyal, selfish is the exact opposite of him''. The campers were surprised at their fierceness, especially TS, CS, and PJ, we must be really close in the future they thought. Suddenly there was another flash of light, which vanished again, leaving Katie Gardner wrestling a hell-hound behind.

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