Chapter 4

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A/N: I thought today would be a good day to post since it's Kirstie's birthday!

‘Wow so that’s you and Kirstie going on a date tonight.’ I turn to face Kevin instantly ‘why would I be going on a date with Kirstie?’ ‘What? No I meant Kirstie is meeting this mystery guy tonight and if the effort you’re putting into your outfit is any indication then there’s a lucky lady who’s going to be getting herself some of the basscanon tonight.’ I sigh and roll my eyes at his ridiculousness. ‘I’m just going to meet a friend from high school.’ ‘Is she pretty?’ He asks childishly. ‘I suppose so.’ I don’t suppose so. I know so. Kirstie is definitely pretty. More than pretty. ‘So it is a she then.’ ‘Yes Kevin, now I’d better get going or I’ll be late.’ ‘Enjoy your date Romeo.’ ‘Hopefully it won’t end in the death of like 6 people.’ Managing to get the last word against Kevin is always pretty satisfying.

When I arrive at Kirstie’s apartment she opens the door wearing pyjamas and her glasses. She walks into her lounge and sits on the couch without speaking, leaving me to close the door.  I walk and sit down beside her. Usually we’d have half of our clothes off by now. It feels strange to just be sat here together. It’s something that we’ve been trying to avoid. If we’re alone together it’s an accident or we’re having sex. ‘Kirstie, I’m sorry about the hickey. It was entirely my fault and I know that you hate lying.’ She looks up at me and replies coolly ‘Oh so you feel bad. That must be why you spent the whole session staring at my neck.’ Crap. So she and Scott noticed. I really need to be more subtle.

I decide that my best bet is to be honest. ‘Ok well. It’s kind of hot to see the mark that I made on your body.’ Maybe if Kirstie was my girlfriend she’d find this cute or even sexy. As my friend who I have occasional mind-blowing sex with, she just finds it annoying. ‘Ok so you risked the others finding out just because of some dumb male fantasy thing.’ ‘No one noticed.’ ‘Scott noticed.’ I grimace. ‘Ok Scott noticed. He thinks I have an unrequited crush on you.’ She bites her lip. ‘Well I guess that’s not the worst possible explanation.’ ‘Not for you.’ As soon as it’s out of my mouth I regret it but if anything Kirstie seems to find it funny. ‘You gave me the hickey so I think it’s only fair.’ She stands up and moves until she’s in front of me. She reaches out and places her hands on my shoulders and I feel aroused by even that innocent touch. ‘Is that enough punishment then?’ I flirt as I pull her down onto my lap. ‘Not even close.’ 

‘I am not entirely adverse to your definition of punishment.’ I grin lazily as we lie on her bed, both completely sated. She giggles and the movement it generates causes her breasts to rub against me, making the risk that I’ll get hard again very real. We don’t always have pillow talk after sex. We’re usually late for something so there isn’t really time. Since we don’t have anywhere else to be and we’re way too tired to move, it looks like this is going to be one of those rare occasions where we actually talk as well as fuck. She’s draped over me comfortably with her head on my chest and one of her legs over mine. ‘Hmmm, you weren’t supposed to enjoy it.’ ‘Enjoying what you do to me is pretty much inevitable Kirst.’ She rolls over so that her chin is resting on my chest and smiles up at me ‘right back at you.’ 

I open my eyes. Wait was I just asleep? I can feel the weight of another person on my body and I look down to see Kirstie lying across my chest, sleeping peacefully. She looks so sweet that I could quite happily just lie here and stare at her but she’s not going to get any less mad if I let her sleep for longer. The thing is that we agreed that we shouldn’t sleep together. Have sex but don’t stay over. A lot of the things that we avoid are things that we realised pretty early on could get in the way of us having a purely sexual relationship. Yet here we are. Snuggled up together after our second meeting of the day. Add this to the pillow talk and the hickey and I’m worried that we might be becoming more couply than we should be.

‘Kirstie. Kirstie. You need to wake up.’ She groans slightly and snuggles closer to me. ‘Kirstie.’ I say a little louder and her eyes fall open the tiniest amount. She keeps them almost closed until she registers what’s happening. ‘Avi what are you doing here?’ I chuckle at her cute sleepily confused face and she scowls at me. ‘We must have fallen asleep after my punishment.’ ‘What time is it?’ I roll over and grab her phone since mine is on the floor somewhere. ‘Um it’s about four in the morning. I’d better get going.’ I stand up from the bed and start pulling on my boxers. 

‘Or you could stay.’ 

I’m not really sure how to reply so I just stay quiet. The silence in the room becomes uncharacteristically uncomfortable. ‘It’s four in the morning and I doubt Kevin expects you back.’ She’s right. It would be the most practical thing to do. But on the day where we’ve already slipped up too many times it feels dangerous. We’ve been doing this on and off for about two years and things have been pretty straightforward until now. There were some issues when we first started but we’ve had enough practice that we don’t make mistakes anymore.

But there’s something about her eyes that makes me feel reckless. She’s not having a moment of vulnerability like she was the first time I kissed her. This isn’t a wavering of her strength. This is Kirstie. As real and as strong as she’s ever been. So I climb back onto the bed and wrap myself around her, leaving no space between us. If she was scared then I would have left. If she was unsure then I would have driven back to my apartment and forgotten she’d ever said anything. But she was certain so here we are.

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