chapter 10: that's all i need

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A/N: Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I decided to make this a long chapter since I'm on break now and have time 💕

Clarke's POV

May 1988

"I'm scared," I said above of whisper as I was clinging onto Bellamy's arm.

I was finally being released from the hospital and we were all now standing in front of the exit. Raven was holding the door open and I could smell the crisp, spring air that was rushing inside the building.

"I'm not going to let go of you," Bellamy replied as he tightened his grip around my arm.

"Clarke, you have to put these on," my mother said placing an object in my hand. I felt the edges of them and realized they were my new, darkened glasses. I slid them on to calm my mother down.

"Where do you want to go?" He asked.

"I want to go to your place," I breathed.

"Don't you think it's best if you go home?" My mother asked.

"Bellamy bought new tapes and I really want to listen them. Also, I'm an adult and it's my choice!" I snapped. I was always on edge now. If I could see, I'm sure my mother would have flinched. I let go of Bellamy's arm and stumbled my way to my mother's voice. I wrapped my arms around her neck and apologized.

"I'll be fine," I said letting go.

~time skip~

"Okay, so I don't know if you're gonna like this band-"

"If it's rock, I'll obviously love it," I said still laying on the floor like our first time together. Bellamy put the cassette tape in the player and I felt him lay down next to me. The music, once again, traveled through my ears, except this time was different. I was more aware, I was more in-touch.

"Don't move, Clarke," Bellamy said as he presumingly stood up.

"Is there a bug on me!?" I shrieked.

"No, but don't move!" And then I heard a shutter and a click.

"You took my picture, didn't you!" I exclaimed, laughing though.

"Yeah," he said putting the polaroid in my hand.

"You know I can't see this, right?" I joked.

"Obviously. But you can still touch it. Feel the glossy part, the edges, hot it's still a little warm," he sighed as we laid back down, my hands still clutching the photograph.

"I know that, but you know what I'm getting at," I sighed reaching my hand out so Bellamy could take it. When he did, he soothingly rubbed circles between my thumb and my wrist.

"I love you," he breathed.

"Can you spend your entire life with me like this? I don't know-" I started to get choked up and tried to hold back my sobs.

"I don't, I don't know how long I'll be blind.."

"Clarke, how many times do I have to tell you that it doesn't matter? Okay, it matters, it's you, but you get my point. I love you, all of you, every part of you," he said taking my other hand in his and continued.

"I will spend every day of our lives trying to make you understand how deep my love goes for you. I've never met anyone like you and I don't want to. You're it for me."

I let go of his hands and brought them to his face. I felt his smile, his rough exterior, the crinkles by his eyes, and how his cheeks felt slightly warm, almost as if he was blushing. What I wouldn't give to his smile one more time.

"Are you feeling me up?" I brought my hands back down to his lips and knew he was smirking.

"You wish," I laughed.

~time skip, the next morning~

"I have to go to work, but Octavia doesn't have classes today, so she can help you if you need anything," Bellamy said as he kissed my temple. I was still laying on the couch from the night before, wrapped up in what I presumed to be an old quilt.

"Be careful," I whispered right before he kissed me on the lips, gently.


The door slammed shut and I laid back down on the couch. My eyes were open, but I had no sight. I was hoping that everything was a dream, to my fears, it wasn't.

"Hey, Clarke, you want breakfast?" I slightly jumped at Octavia entering the room.

"Oh, uh, sure. That sounds great. Need any help?" I asked taking the blanket off and stood up.

"I was just going to pop waffles in the toaster, I think I can handle it," she laughed.

I made my way to the counter, only tripping on one of the end tables.

"Walk much?" Octavia joked.

"Make breakfast fast enough?" I replied.

"I like you, Clarke. You're quick," she said.

"You're okay too," I said as I clumsily found my way into the stool.

"Bellamy talks about you all the time."

"I know he does. He talks about me to my face, too," I laughed as I felt the counter shake a little as the plate was put in front of me. I picked up the waffle and started eating it with my hands. I was too lazy and tired to ask for a fork.

"He's been taking care of me his entire life, and now someone is finally going to take care of him. And just by doing that, you are the best person on this planet to ever exist," she said as she patted my shoulder.

"I don't know how I'll be able to take care of him-"

"Just love him, Clarke. That's all he needs."

That's all I needed too.

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