12. Our reputation

Start from the beginning

''Why am I here again? not that I don't want to be here but I doubt you brought me here only just to prove that you can rap?'' You turned around to look at Jackson.

''Yeppp! okay so guyss'' he then loudly adressed to everyone ''Since we needed someone to film our dance practices because the previous person ran away-''

''Wonder why, right Jackson?'' Bambam laughed

''...Shut up!'' he pointed his finger towards the boy before continuing. ''So I thought Y/N can be our Cameraman!''

''-woman'' Mark corrected

''Whatever!! so what do you guys think?''

''Did you atleast ask her if she wanted to?'' Youngjae asked him then looked at you, warmly smiling.

''......Well....I'm asking now?''

Yugyeom stood by himself far away from you. You glanced in his direction to see a displeased look on his face. Just like a child who lost at a game of monopoly.

''....Don't you need a professionnal to use a camera? I mean...I know how the camera works but-'' You started before Jackson interrupted you.

''So you know how to use it? Great! no need for extra knowledge!'' He decided. '' Okay guys warm up your muscles let's dance to ~A ~ you have 15 minutes!''

''Since when did you become the leader Jackson?'' Jaebum ironically asked him

''Okay okay!!! 20 minutes!! Let's do this guys!!''

''Where does he get all this energy from?'' Mark calmly said while stretching his legs.

''Who knows'' he sighed ''Hey Y/N!! do you need help with the Camera?'' Youngjae said, walking towards you as you nodded in response.

''WAIT- ~ I ~ will help her with the camera'' Jackson approached you.

''Actually, Jackson, come I have to talk to you'' Yugyeom then suddenly came and pulled on Jackson's sleeve, giving you a cold stare. '' Youngjae, you can help her.''


''Yah Yugyeom what's your problem?'' Jackson started.

''The invisible?? seriously?" the boy wisppered.

''........HUuHh???'' Jackson had a confused look on his face. '' What do you mean invisible?!''

''Why did you bring the invisible here? How did you even manage to talk to her?!''

"What do you have against her?! You don't even know her" Jackson groaned.

"Since when are you such close friends?'' Yugyeom said annoyingly.

''Does she bother you? You know, she might be one of our first fans and help us gain popularity''

''No Jackson, our popularity will be going down. Think about her reputation and ours. She's an outcast.''

At these words, Jackson crossed his arms on his chest, looking straight into Yugyeom's eyes.

''.....So? Is that your argument?"

"Why are you trying so hard to be social with her?"

"Tell me Yugyeom, how does it feels to be an outcast?"


"Ooow true our popular kid always was surrounded by people. Now try to imagine being rejected by the whole school. Would you want someone to come and help you out or leave you out to loneliness?" Jackson concluded.

''...You pity her?"

"No...I just tried to start a conversation with her. And she turned out to be a pretty fun human being. You can't judge a person without atleast giving this person a chance.''

''...I have my reasons not to like her''

''You do you my friend, but she's staying'' He said, friendly tapping his shoulder ''Now let's go practice!!''

''Jackson wait...what exactly do you like about this....girl?''

''I don't even know myself to be honest...She's different. I love her reactions'' He smiled at Yugyeom before heading towards you.



You widened your eyes and turned you head around to see Jackson running towards you spreading his arms wide.

''Jackson don't you dare I'll throw something at you''

''Ready to see the talent of a future star??'' he then winked at you.

You rolled your eyes smiling to yourself.

''So, what were you talking about with Yugyeom?''

''Ohh nothing important, you know....girls. Ohhhh speaking of girls, who was that girl hiding behind the school walls??''

''Was it your crush?'' you awkwardly said.

''No I just want to know if it was your friend or-''

And just at that moment, your phone rang in your pocket.


''....Shouldn't you take it? it might be important''

''Nah, don't worry''

I wont let him destroy my mood, not now

''Alright Got7, take your positions! "Jaebum comanded " Y/N, just follow the choreography and make sure everyone is visible okay? Ready? Music!''

And the music starts.

Invisible (Jackson Wang X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now