Our friend PJ Ligouri invented the wrist mobile. It's a white metal band that fits on like a watch and when you press the small blue button a hologram comes up with the incoming caller. 

I pressed the button and sure enough Dan's holographic ID floated in mid air in front of me. His handsome face grinning down at me. I chuckled, and answered the call.

"Daaan, what's taking you so long?" I whined.

"Mr Lester?" An unfamiliar voice asked. I felt my blood go cold, Dan never lets anyone answer his phone so this was probably bad news.

"Yes ..." I said hesitantly.

"It's about Daniel Howell. I'm police officer Smith, we searched through his phone and found you were his emergency contact ..." The voice started.

"EMERGENCY? What's happened? Is he alright?" I asked frantically.

"I regret to tell you that he is in the hospital ..." The officer said. I felt my breath catch in my throat. Why is he in the hospital, is he hurt? What happened to him? Will I ever see him again?

"HOSPITAL? Why is he in the hospital?" I asked, shakily.

"He was in an unfortunate car accident on the way over to Hester Industries where I believe your current position is Mr Lester. I'm sorry but he has slipped into a deep coma and is very unlikely to awake from it." 

My blood ran cold and my legs went numb, making me lose balance and fall to my knees. Not Dan ...... not my Dan! 

"Mr Lester? Would you like us to send you a car to take you to the hospital?" Mr Smith offered.

"Y-yes please." I stuttered.

"On it's way, and I'm sorry Mr Lester." with that he hung up and I let it all out. I cried into my hands, my sobs echoing through the empty lab. 


My Dan.

Was in a coma.

And was unlikely to wake up from it ...

I screamed and threw my mobile band across the room and feeling strangely satisfied as it smashed to pieces when it made contact with the wall. I hoped that after it was destroyed the bad news with die with it, that it was a mistake and now the device was broken it won't come true ... but I'm still hurting and Dan ... is still hurt.

The receptionist, Becky, soon arrived in the elevator to tell me the car was here and say he was sorry for my loss. I tried my best to stop crying but every now and then in the car a few rebel tears would break free and travel down my tear stained cheeks. 

I wiped the recent ones away furiously.

When my car pulled up at A&E I quickly jumped out and rushed to reception where a woman stood behind reception with a frown across his forehead. I heard her muttering to the man beside her. 

"I'm worried, he's in such a bad condition. They say he won't wake up and will probably be taken off life support since there's only a 5% chance of him waking up. The world's going to be pretty upset when they find the famous Daniel James Howell is d-"

"Daniel James Howell's room please." I spat. The girl turned round and stared wide eyed when she saw me and gave me a sad pitying look.

"O-oh of course Mr Lester." He stuttered. She hurriedly tapped away on her computer until she found the right information. "Up the stairs, third turn on your left, room 206." She said, a false smile straining her face.

"Thanks." I muttered and felt the tears sting my eyes. 

5% chance? 

I ran up the stairs and found the door with '206' in gold letters worn with time drilled into the metal door. I hesitated as I placed my hand on the door knob. Did I really want to see him in this state? As soon as I walk in and see his limp body it will confirm that he will never wake up.

Hanging onto 5% is pointless, I'm a scientist and listen to logic. As soon as I go in, this will be my last goodbye. I've figured it all out before I get in there. I'm going to take him off life support, 5% chance of waking up is not how he'd want to live. 

I won't leave him to live in that coma for the rest of his life, that is no life ... I sniffed and twisted the door open. I gasped when I saw his battered body on the bed and beeping heart monitor beside him. His mother, father and brother along with mine were already there, teary eyed.

When their eyes laid on me I could tell I probably looked horrified by the pitying and miserable expressions on their faces. I felt like my heart had ripped to pieces and I wanted to abandon logic, abandon taking his life away. I wanted to hold onto the 5% chance so bad and hope to god he wakes up.

But even then when I cried beside his bed I knew that it was pointless and after this Daniel James Howell will be no more.

I took his hand in mine and stroked my thumb over his bruised knuckles as I cried into his chest. I glanced through my blurry vision up at his face. There was an ugly bump on his head and scratches, cuts and gashes on his forehead and collarbones. 

Despite the damage he still looked gorgeous. I cupped his face and kissed his lips one last time.

"I love you." I whispered and slipped a small black box out my back pocket. Without, the other's seeing I slipped a silver band ring onto his engagement ring finger and kissed it. "Always. And ... forgive me, but I can't let you live like this." I said even quieter so only he could hear me if he still had a conscious mind.

I looked at his mother who looked distraught. With one look she knew what I had planned and burst into tears again, sobbing into her other son's arm who patted her soothingly. 

I left the room and spoke to the doctor about getting Dan off life support, 5% isn't going to help me. And Dan doesn't deserve to live as a lifeless human being. No one does.

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