Part 3

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His heart thudded violently inside his chest, fear seeping inside him with such force that he felt choked, unable to draw breathe. The vision in front of him was blurring, and he doesn't know why, cause his eyes were as dry as burning desert. Despair filled every fiber of his being, but he shoved it back. No! Nothing will happen to her. He knows that!

The white walls! How he hated these white walls now. Not very distant memory hit him like a powerful wave. He saw himself there, carrying an unconscious Khushi, desperately searching for someone who can help him get her eyes opened, so that he can tell her that she was not his mistake, she was not, she never was. And these very walls were the witness of his helplessness, his pain, his anguish , his sheer agony.

His legs came to an abrupt halt, his desperate eyes peeked inside the room. His heart slapping painfully against his chest as he fiercely tried to get a glimpse of her. His both hands banged on the door, his mind fogged, unable to think anything rational. All he wanted was to see her, to be close to her.

"Have you lost it, Mr. Raizada? Why the hell are you banging the doors? We called you so that we can keep you updated about your wife's present condition, not for you to come and bang the operation theater door." the enraged Doctor chided.

"She... how's she?....Let ...let me in ,... " he splintered, his eyes still trying to get a glimpse of her.

"We can't allow you in, Mr.Raizada. And I had told you when I called you, her heartbeat is decelerating and we are trying to get it back to normal, and the condition is still the same..."

Heartbeat is decelerating! Heartbeat is decelerating! Heartbeat is decelerating! Heartbeat is decelerating!

She is trying to leave me! She trying to leave me!

She is going!

Arnav shook his head, an unbearable pain rousing at the mere thought of her going away, making his heart stop.

"No... she .. she can't do that to me... She has to forgive me... she always does... let me in ... please let me in ..."

"Mr.Raizada, try and understand, we can't." the Doctor tried calmly this time, feeling the agony of the husband standing in front of him.

"You can't?" his ragging eyes now exposed unmixed fury. "You can't?! Why don't you understand?! She will leave me! She will! She is a stubborn little thing! She won't listen to anyone of you, will not respond to anyone! She will listen to me. She has to. She is not allowed to leave me. And I have to remind her this" his eyes shone with new determination and he shoved away the short man in front of him and stormed towards his wife, who was hovered by Doctors and nurses from all side.

Making his way, he reached to his wife, his hand instantly finding her weak one. He looked at her pale face, paler than he had ever witnessed. He knelt beside her bed, his face level to hers. His eyes softening instantly, a painful lump settling in his throat, the back of eyes burning with hot tears.

"Khushi.... Please.... Please don't do this.... Don't leave me ..... You have all the right to punish me .... But not like this.... Not by going away, Khushi ... you can't..... I refuse to take this punishment ...." His desperate hold on her hand tightened more, and rested her palm against his heart. "Our heartbeat is one, remember, Khushi? I have told you that day.... Our heartbeat is one...." a fresh tear rolled down his cheek despite of his trying to drink back the tears. "I ........ You.... our heartbeat is one .... I can't breathe without you, Khushi.... please Khushi.... please open your eyes... please..." he heard a loud beep from the monitor and his eyes jerked to meet the Doctor's.

The Doctor shook his head.

Arnav again looked at her.

"Khushi.... please ... please, Khushi.. I swear I will never hurt you.... please... you are not any mistake , Khushi.... let me make you believe this... please... last chance.... Just one last chance, Khushi...... please ... I beg you..... you can't leave me like this..... this is not your choice to make... you alone can't make this choice, Khushi.. our heartbeat is one .... You can't do this..." now the tears flowed down, not caring to stay back.

Still no sign from her and his heart sank deeper and deeper. He looked at her closed eyes. He can give his all fortune right at this very moment just to see those two soulful eyes staring back at him.

"You want to go? You want to leave me, right? Do it. Do it Khushi. And I swear on your Devi Maiya, I will follow you. I swear on you, I will follow you. Are you listening to me? YOU DARE TO LEAVE ME AND I WILL FOLLOW YOU! I WILL FOLLOW YOU KHUSHI KUMARI GUPTA SINGH RAIZADA!...... You .... You made a choice .... You made a choice to leave everyone .... A choice which was not yours to make... but you did and now I will have to make the same choice, because ..." he pressed her palm against his heart. "Because our heartbeat is one.. one can't breathe without the other.... I...I want to live with you... show you how much I love you ... but ... but you made your choice, and now.... now I have no choice but to follow you. ARE YOU LISTENING TO ME, DAMN IT!!" He shouted, now her face rested between his palm as he hovered over her, his eyes filled with pain and fury ragging down at her.

And then he thought he missed a beat. His eyes jerk to catch the sound which felt like a sigh, but he was late, it faded as soon as he heard that. His eyes shifted towards the monitor and then at the Doctor.

"We got a response, Mr.Raizada. " Doctor's face beamed at Arnav.

Arnav looked at Khushi, his hand stiffened against her cheek.

"Khushi... Khushi .... I missed it the first time .... Say something .... Give s sign again ... please..... I promise to not miss this time.... Please..."he pleaded and then saw her lips move ever so slightly , so slightly that if his desperate eyes were not searching for any movement, he would have missed it.

A low sob passed his lips as he leaned forward and rested his forehead against hers, his tears falling on her cheeks.

"Let me hear your voice ...... say something , love .... Please .... Please .. anything,... say something please...." He pleaded, desperate to hear her voice.

He heard a whisper, but couldn't understand.

"I... I missed it.... I am sorry, love .... Please can you try again? Please ..please ..." He chocked, looking at her closed eyes..... and then he heard her.

" am a mistake..... the big.....biggest....mistake .."

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