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My arm rattles from the kickback of the gun as the traitor's body falls to the ground.

Two hours ago I got a call from one of my men informing me about a break in, at the warehouse. And one can only imagine my surprise when I get here and find out the guys were some of my own.

Now before I go any further I want to explain one thing. Nobody likes a traitor. And if we happen to find one, we kill him. Simple.

"I think we're in the clear Boss." Scar yells from the other side of the warehouse.

Nodding, I swiftly and silently begin to search the warehouse making sure all the rats were exterminated.

"Hey Boss I said-" I hold a finger against my lips silencing Scar. I sniff the air. Someone was still here, hiding between the stacked boxes. 

Another rat. 

A rat who apparently sprayed a whole gallon of fucking cologne before coming here, because I can smell the scum from a mile away. I quickly walk over and push the boxes aside. By the time he even notices I'm near him my gun is already on his temple. 

"Drop the gun and get up." I order. He does as told and drops the gun. He holds his hands up in surrender and walks over to the center of the room.

"Andres? What the fuck man? You out here trying to steal our shit?" Scar exclaims.

"It was worth a shot." He smirks. 

"Why?" I ask. The scum didn't speak. A click sounds from my gun. I don't have patience for this, and Scar senses this.

"Ok so this is how we're going to do this." He says, his voice now deeper indicating he's done playing games. "Either you tell us willingly or we make you. You already know how this goes. You yourself partook in such activities before, no?"

The traitor falls to his knees and begins to tremble, the smirk on his face now replaced with fear. 

"First we will pull out every single one of your fingernails. And then your fingers get clipped off, slowly, one by one. And then depending on my mood, I might cut off your whole hand or your balls."

He still doesn't speak. And I know this was beginning to annoy Scar. Usually his scare tactics work, but not this time. Andres was well aware that it was a scare tatic. 

Scar takes out his knife and runs his finger along the edge of the blade. "Isn't it wonderful that I was just sharpening this right before I got the news that you're out here trying to steal our shit?"

Andres' pants begin to turn a dark shade of blue. I smirk, the bastard pissed himself. Excellent.

"Bark." I speak again.

Without a warning Scar stabs the knife right through his palm and Andres' scream is music to my fucking ears.

"Ah! Okay! Okay! I did it for my girl! She wants me to leave this lifestyle. I was just going to use the money to start a new life man. " He yelps in pain.

A girl. I smirk graces my features. He betrayed us for some permanent pussy. 

"And the rest of the guys?" Scar asks waving around to the numerous bodies on the ground.

And of course the scum doesn't answer again. Without a warning I take the knife out of his hand and stick it into his thigh. He screams in pain like a little bitch.

"I bribed them! I told them that after we steal the weapons we'll sell them and then we all can go our own ways. I'm only doing it for my girl. Please don't kill me!"

He starts to chuckle. "I know you're going to kill me. But it doesn't matter, I know I'm going to get vengeance for my death."

"Oh shut the fuck up." I kick him in the jaw. He groans falling backwards.

"You stupid fucks." He gives a sickening bloody smile. "I told my girl to call the cops if I take longer than two hours. If my calculations are correct they should be here any minute."

Scar laughs. "The cops. Oo we're so scared." He fake shivers.

"You sure do talk a lot for someone that's about to face the gates of hell in a minute or two."

"Fuck you." Andres spits out a mouthful of blood.

"That's exactly what I'm gonna do to your girl when I see her." Scar winks.

I smirk. I shoot. With a bullet right in his forehead, Andres falls backwards with a loud thump.

"What the fuck man? I was just beginning to have fun!"

"Now is not the time. Get this shit cleaned up."

"On it Boss." He takes out his phone and begins making some calls.

I take another look around the premises. I can't believe one of my own, someone I trusted for so many years can turn their back on you so quickly. Disgusting.

"Boss, the crew is on the way. They will get rid of everything. We should get going. I'm tired, I need my beauty sleep." He says looking at his watch.

I nod in agreement. "Yeah let's go."

As we stroll out of the warehouse Scar breaks the silence. "Hey Boss."

"What?" I say looking up from my phone.

"You don't think what Andres was saying about the cops is true right?"

I chuckle, "Of course not. Come on you're smarter than that. We've heard that threat numerous times before." I look up to him. "Why do you ask?"

His eyes widen looking at the flashing lights in the distance that I didn't notice before.

"Because I think they're here." 

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