5₪ Who's Jesus? ₪5

Start from the beginning

"Shit, so the Kree have both of them? Even though Jules is plain old normal?" Tove rests her chin in her palm as she leans on the counter.

"Yep." Peter responds disappointed.

"Crap." Bucky blurts our what everyone else is thinking.

"We have to get them out. Jules is a good kid and I'm sure Bianca is too. They deserve better than what they are facing in that ship." Peter states with the most confidence out of everything that he has said so far.

"I agree." Tove notes. Multiple 'same's and nods echo around the room since no one wants to see innocents tortured.

Gamora frowns at the brunette and admits, "The Kree can be rough with their procedures, whether they are for torture or for science, they aren't very gentle so those girls could very well be-"

"Still shouldn't stop us from doing something." A red haired assassin says while sneaking up behind Tove.

At the sight of Natasha, Tove breaks her tough character and begins to tear up. The last time the friends saw each other was back in Berlin when she took a hit for the team. The two hug while Steve and Tony exchange a few shocked words.

"Nat, where have to been?" Steve scrunches up his eyebrows in the middle of his forehead.

"Wouldn't you like to know?" Is all she says before giving the star-spangled man a hug. She then hesitantly hugs Tony as well but her eyes refuse to cross his, and his the same.

Something for a later talk. Tove tells herself before refocusing on the plan. "I still agree. We need to save those girls, and whoever else is being studied on that ship." The same amount of agreement happens and things are settled.

"So how do we do this then?" Scott, who has surprisingly remained quiet throughout this whole situation, asks determinedly.

"We walk right in and have a talk with these alien guys." Clint states monotonous.

"That is a dumb idea. The Kree will crush your tiny head and torture you till your flaky skin turns blue and purple. You won't survive a second." Drax allows his defiant voice carry across the room as he laughs out his jab.

Peter Quill and the rest of the guardians groan at the gullibleness of their friend. Everyone else just kind of stares at the alien as if they didn't know if he was just going along with Clint's cynistic comment or was actually serious. Clint on the other hand took offense and started rubbing his hands on the sides of his arms. "Is my skin really that ashy?"

"Ashy? Are you burning?" Drax continues his naive approach and Steve realizes it and steps in.

"Uh, Clint was just kidding, Drax..."

Drax stares at the American soldier for a few seconds blankly before coming back to earth, literally. "Oh I knew that."

"I once knew an alien just as stupid" Clint mumbles while covering up a smile with his hand and sneaking a look at the God of Thunder.

"Shut up, you flimsy excuse of a human." Thor defends.

"Okay I get the dry skin insult, but flimsy is where I draw the line. You're all muscle and no brain!" Clint accuses.

Thor just snickers and lightly hits Drax on the shoulder "Even his insults are weak."

Drax doesn't find the little tap from the Asgardian amusing and glares at the God. "Why did you just hit me?"

"OKAY! I have an idea!" Tove blurts in attempt to stop this mess.

"Well, I didn't really hit you. It was just a little-I think it's called a love tap." Thor elaborates to the foreign blue man.

"Oh Jesus." Jo lets her forehead fall into her hands defeated.

"That wasn't a love tap." Clint can't help himself but clutch his stomach from how hard he was laughing.

"Wait who is this 'Jesus' you speak of?" Gamora was now joining the cultural clash.

"OH MY- Can we please just move on and talk about this later??" Wanda snaps, even though deep down inside she knew that if the circumstances were different, this conversation would be popcorn worthy and she'd be sharing a bowl with Tove.

Everyone sort of quiets down and reorganizes themselves to focus back on the problem at hand. Jo hesitantly smiles before saying "Clint's not wrong though..."

Everyone looks at her confused. "About Thor?" Steve questions.

"No, about just walking in. What if we surrender some of us? To get inside and gather some info and check on the girls?" Jo proposes.

"I was actually thinking something along the lines of that too." Tove chimes in.

Rocket chuckles while grooming his whiskers nervously. "That's suicide. They're not gonna be nice about it."

"Exactly, like I said they aren't the most gentle with their procedures." Gamora step in, feeling nervous too from the amount of people in the room.

"Then we send in people that can handle it. Like me." Tove states matter-of-factly.

"No." Bucky leaves no room for consideration. "I'm not letting you do that." He adds.

"I'm not asking for your permission, Buck." Tove asserts.

"Of course you don't, but like the raccoon said, it's suicide..." Bucky admits worrisome.

"Tove can take a hit, Bucky. She'd be okay." Natasha assured the veteran.

"If it helps you tinman, I'll go with her. And then my next vote would be Wanda." Jo mentions. The room goes a little quiet in thought.

"I'd be up to it." Wanda agrees to the volunteer request. "I think us three would work the best."

"I don't like this." Bucky stresses.

"No one does. That's why they are called tough decisions." Steve intervenes to try to calm his best friend. "I think this'll work. I appreciate you volunteering girls." Steve almost looks heartbroken, like he already knew the girl's fate in this.

"Then it's settled." Jo attempts to finalize the decision before anyone else could object. "Let's go be prisoners."








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