5₪ Who's Jesus? ₪5

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If she wasn't surrounded by aliens in a foreign country, Tove would have pounced on Bucky right then and there. But unfortunate events tend to follow Tove wherever she goes, so some serious planning had to be done before she could make her move.

"What's our next move?" Wanda asks with a glass of water held delicately in her hand. Everyone was scattered around the room with their arms crossed or their hands on their hips.

"That is the question though, isn't it?" T'challa asks with a short laugh and running his hands over his head. The king seems to lose himself in his thoughts before remembering something key. "Tony, you told me you had something on the Kree..."

Tony raises his eyebrows and points to the young boy dressed in the infamous Spider-Man suit. "He actually should share it because it's his info."

Peter looks to the man in the suit with fear swimming in his eyes. He couldn't be any older than sixteen years old. He's probably missing math class right now. Either way he looked out of his comfort zone with Tony passing him the mic.

"What? You want to be an avenger. So, share the little info you got with the rest of the class." Tony encourages the young boy as best he can.

Peter sees his reasoning and calms down a heartbeat or two. "A girl that use to babysit me when I was younger-like much younger. Maybe I was 5 or 6. I dunno but I was young-"

"Kiddo where's the point?" Jo asks, guiding him somewhat gently back to his focus.

"Right, anyways, my aunt got a call from her parents recently and told her she went missing. It all kind of came as a shock to us because this girl is an A+ student. She never misses school and she would always tell her parents where she was, even though she's twenty something now. And her best friend is missing."

"Why does this have something to do with the aliens in the pacific?" Jo asks confused.

"Well, I did some research on this girl-Julie, right kid?" Tony asks.


"Yes, Jules and I found absolutely positively nothing on her." Tony finishes with a smile.

"O-okay... so what's your point then about all of this?" Tove now asks, more lost than she was before.

"Well, Jules had nothing on her so we-I mean Peter- asked for the name of her best friend and guess what..." An awkward two second silence overcomes the room. "No seriously, someone guess."

"The girl's part Kree?" Peter Quill guesses and feels like he's going out in a limb for doing so.

"Someone buy him a drink because yes, Bianca Williams is on the S.H.I.E.L.D list of the noted gifted. Supposedly, Williams gets dreams about things before they actually happen and she's had these dreams ever since the age of three." Tony flicks on one of his snazzy hand held devices and brings up Bianca's S.H.I.E.L.D file for everyone to see and gasps bounce around the room.

"Holy shit, that's one of the girls that were shown on the T.V. when the Kree announced their arrival." Bucky points out at the sight of the young girl's picture.

"So the Kree are kidnapping all the special people they can find, including this Bianca girl?" Steve questions.

Tony nods hesitantly. "Well, yes and no. Bianca was a code white, meaning S.H.I.E.L.D found her so important that she had an agent on her tail for the past 10 plus years. And this agent reported her and Peter's Jules traveling extra west toward where our alien visitors are harbouring, three days before they actually arrived." Tony brings up a couple pictures of the back of a black Honda Civic. "They were last seen hanging out on Shi Shi beach before the Kree came and the agent reported that they lost Bianca and evidently lost their job." Tony smirks at his lame joke.

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