Chapter Fourteen

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The cake falls to it's side. Evan's mouth is wide open in excitement. "I'm going to have a daughter... and a son." Everyone cheers, Jonathan wraps his arms around Evan. Of course they're careful of the growing belly. 

"Alrighty! Who is ready to dance!" Luke shouts. Yeah! He's the DJ he used to be one, why the hell not? Hopefully, Jennifer doesn't get any closer to him, or his nurse friend. Everyone moves to the empty living room. Upbeat music starts playing and everyone is jamming. "So when can I open presents?" Delirious asks his sister. She laughs, "It's your choice, but we just started dancing." She shouts over the music. They continue dancing until something clicks inside of Jonathan. "Oh shit, I never introduced you guys to each other." 

"Jen, Jenny, Jennifer, Luke's ex, meet my boyfriend, VanossGaming, Vanoss, Bat Owl, Evan." The two laugh at Jon's introduction. Evan holds out his hand, but Jen ignores it and hugs him instead. Jon's heart melts, they like each other, that's amazing. "It's so terrific to finally meet you." Jenny smiles brightly. Evan smiles back, "You're an amazing hugger." He jokingly flirts. Jonathan jokingly growls at his boyfriend. 

A half hour goes by, people are still dancing and talking. "There's a lot of people here, more than I thought." Evan tells his boyfriend with a plastic cup in his hand. It's full of soda, so there's nothing to worry about. Jon can't get pregnant while already pregnant. "Yeah, I know, I think it only looks like a lot, because the living room is sorta small. Made for a single man ya know." Jon stares into space after his statement. Evan instantly notices, "What's wrong?" Evan scoots closer to Jon, still leaning on the wall. "Nothing, I'm just suddenly afraid I won't be able to do this..." He gestures towards his growing belly. "I'm afraid I won't be able to parent, yet give birth."A smile creeps across the owl's face, "Did you say GIVE BIRTH!" Jon chuckles afterwards. Smiling at his goofy husband- I mean boyfriend. Instead of removing that noun from his head, Jon absorbs it. He'd love it. He'd love the hell out of him the rest of his life. He'd love to be a Fong, or for Evan to be a Dennis. He'd love it. 

"Alright!" DJ Luke shouts over the quieting Shinedown song that just ended, "Our next song is a slow one, so grab your partner. Specifically the soon-to-be dads in the back. I know Jon has a secret obsession with this song. 

A soft piano starts playing and Jon instantly knows. Evan wraps his arms around his growing hips. Jon puts his arms around Evan's neck. Jon starts singing softly, "Just stop your crying it's the sign of the times." Luke was right, this song got him every damn time. He was obsessed with it. Evan sways back and forth with Jon, watching his emotions change. He did love the song. It was beautiful, but not as beautiful as him. Evan pulls Jon closer, his belly now touching Evan's. Evan could feel slight movements on his lower stomach. He softly chuckles. Jon smiles and lays his head on Evan's shoulder. Jonathan continues singing, the vibration feeling sweet on Evan's body. "I love you..." Evan whispers into his pierced ear. "I love you more..." Jonathan whispers onto Evan's neck, the warmth making the owl feel wonderful. 



"I don't know if this is me or the babies talking, but..."

"But what? What's wrong?"

"I want to get married." 

Evan pulls away from Jon, "R-really?" 

"Yes!" Jon grabs his lover's hands, "I don't need a ring, I just want the words and the proof, that we're together forever. Till death do us part." Evan squeezes the blue eyed man's hands, they were shaking, he was nervous. "Y-yes! When?" Evan was excited he nearly shouted. The music stopped and everyone looked at the couple. "After the babies are born so I can fit my tux." Everyone finally gets the hint. Cheers roar throughout the small living room. Evan places a strong kiss on his lover. "Yes, a trillion times yes!" 


It was Jon's 17th week and he was already really big, even for twins. It was almost his 5th month. 

"So what are we doing for Thanksgiving?" Jon asks his fiancé. He tries eating the omelettes Evan made, but the babies had other cravings. 

"We could go to both of our relatives homes?"

"That's a lot of traveling, especially with the little buns in the oven."

"Okay, ever since you've hit your fourth month you've talked like a mother. I love that mamalirious side of you." Evan purrs. 

"Shuch up."

"So, we can make it! Have you ever seen Four Christmases? With Vince Vaughn and Reese Witherspoon? I'll be Vince you'll be Reese, just pregnant during the traveling not after." 


"Come on, I want my family to meet you, and for your's to meet mine. Come on love!"


"Why not? Why don't you want to go, how bad can traveling be for the babies?"

"It's not really the traveling."

"What is it then?" 

Jon stays silent. 

"What is it Jon?"

"It's the stress..."

"What stress, my family will-"

"It's not your family I'm worried about!" Jon shouts, tears following the crack of his voice. 


"No! Just st-stop!"

"I'm so sorry."

Evan reaches for Jon's hand across the table. He holds it and rubs his thumb around his knuckles. Jon loves that feeling. 

"We can visit your brother and your sister for a day. Have a small dinner with them, is that okay?"

"Yeah, I guess. I'm sorry, I was just worried about Dad..." 

"I won't let him near you, even if I don't know who he is."

"You don't want to." 

"So, we better get packing." Evan stands, grabbing both of their plates. 

"Yeah, a few towns over, across North Carolina, and then to somewhere in Canada. Can't wait." 



"Lighten the fuck up sweetie." 





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