Chapter Six

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"Fuuuuuuuck..." Evan groans as he opens his eyes. He flutters them and then stretches. "Owww, fuck." Another voice says, and Evan can feel the vibration of it. He shouts and falls off the pool table. Both men meet gazes. Blue eyes against brown. They both scream, but instantly regret it, due to their hangovers.

"Delirious?! Are you okay?" Lui knocks on the bathroom door. Lui hears the chunks and steps away from the door.

Jon grabs the toilet tightly. His head is pounding. Another knock sounds from the door. "Delirious?" The voice he doesn't want to hear right now, but at the same time would love to. "I'm fine Vanoss... just give me a few-" Jon vomits again. The alcohol not tasting so great coming out. "Alright." The footsteps fade away. Jon sighs and lay his head on the toilet seat. He's not mad at the fact he's thrown up, that's the least of his problems. He had sex with Evan last night, well technically earlier this morning. But neither of them got it in the ass. It was the usual hetero way. Jon groans, remembering him pushing Evan to the wall. Their lips connecting. The explosion of feelings he felt. He hoped Evan felt the same, or even remembered.

He did...

"What happened after we left?" Luke slides onto the couch, beside Evan.

"Well, we sorta made out..." Luke didn't let him finish.

"No fucking way! Who made the first move? Did you like it?"

"Jon- I mean Delirious made the first move , and... yeah I enjoyed it."

"Awe shit! That's so sweet! Anything else?"

"I remember hopping onto the pool table and making out there."
"You guys just made out right?"

"Yes." I think, Evan wasn't so sure. 

Jon was still up in the bathroom. He was propped up against the wall, waiting for another knock. Why the hell were they drinking? Jon had just got out of the hospital. It was just a few burns. He didn't have a heart attack or anything. Speaking of burns, he wonders if he can go back to work. But could he really? All the sounds of the sirens, reminding him of how he failed to save the little girl. "Fuck..." he sobs. 

Another knock is finally heard. Delirious gives in, "Come in." Vanoss walks in and easily shuts the door. "What's up?" He leans against the door and looks right into the blue eyes of the man on the floor. "What?"

"Delirious, we can't just ignore what we did yesterday." Jon sighs and looks away from Evan, but doesn't speak. Evan get's impatient, "Jonathan! Please speak! How do you feel? Did you like it?" 

"I was drunk; we both were." Jon wouldn't mind doing it again, but sober. 

"I know, but did we feel anything when we woke up on top of each other?" Evan leans forward, towards Delirious. 

"Yes! Okay I did! I felt confused, and later on I realized that I wouldn't mind doing it again!" Delirious stands and pushes Evan out of the way as he exits the bathroom. Evan instantly goes after Jon. "Wait! I felt the same..." Brown eyes meet blue. They just stand there. Both of them having different feelings and thoughts hit them at once. Vanoss finally blurts out, "Can I stay with you?" 


It's been 5 weeks and finally all of the guys have left. All of the guys except Evan. "You wanna do something?" Evan asks with a cheeky smile. "I feel really tired."

"Its only 1:04 in the afternoon Jon."

"I know, but I don't know I just feel tired and weak and fuck."

"Are you getting sick? How long have you felt like this?"

"It started on Tuesday, with small pains in my stomach."

"Tuesday? Its Saturday, you have to go to the doctor!" 

"Evan, it might just be a stomach bug." Jon shifts on the couch, "Speaking of stomach, I'm kinda hungry." Jon gets off the couch, but Evan pushes him back down. "Ouch, why?" Delirious whines. Vanoss stands with his arms crossed, "Because, you should rest. What do you have in mind?" 

Jon snickers, "Pizza?" 

"Oh hell yeah, why didn't we get together sooner? We're like the perfect match!" 

"We may have to go to the store though." Delirious's mouth moves for itself. 

"Why?" Evan questions. 

"For soda, and I need some medicine." 

"Alright, I'll run quick-"

"No, I wanna go too." 

The men hop into Jon's jeep; Evan is driving, while Jon is stuck in the passenger seat. 

"So, are you gonna call off on Monday if you don't feel better then?" 

"Maybe, but I think I'll be better by then." Jon smiles at Evan. They grab each others hands and rest them on the center console. 

They finally arrive at the store closest to Jon's house, which happens to be a Dollar Store. "I'm going to look for the medicine, you can find soda." Jonathan pushes Evan towards the drinks while he runs towards the medical aisle. Jon easily finds the pink stomach stuff, but that's not all he feels like he needs. Evan finds Coke, but he feels like that's not all he needs. Jon awkwardly walks further down the medical aisle, which leads into a women's products area. Jon looks around and finally finds the object he thought he'd never have to look for. He wants to laugh, but it's a very serious situation. He grabs the long rectangular prism box and speeds to the check out, before Evan gets there. The woman at the cash register looks at the product and then looks at Jon. She raises an black brow and then just sets it in a bag. "Your total will be 6.09." Jon hands her the money. "Thanks, have a good day."

"Thanks, you too." Jon sticks the test in his pocket and carries the pink medicine in the yellow bag. He spots Evan still looking for soda. "Picky drinker?" Delirious sneaks up on his boyfriend. Evan jumps, "Fuck, you scared me." 

"Sorry?" Jonathan chuckles. 

"Did you find your medicine?"

"Yep! See I found it before you..."

"Shut up." Evan smirks. "So what else should I get?" 

"Uh, shit, just get a Mountain Dew and a cream soda."

"Ew, you like cream soda?"

"Hey, you don't know everything about Delirious yet." Oh dear god did he not... 

Evan laughs and grabs the recommended sodas and they finally get out of the store and back home. Now all they had to do is wait for their pizza. While they wait Jon runs to the bathroom. He shuts the door and locks it, just in case. He sits down and sighs. Opening the box, he reads some of it. Get your results in just seconds. "Oh shit... okay." Jon takes the object out and takes off the purple cap. He does what we need to do and waits. The blue eyes scan the box more, two lines means positive (pregnant), and one line means not, alright. Jon gets very nervous and does not want to look at the results. The shaky pale hands reach for the marker looking object. He's shaking so much he could fall off the toilet. Firefighter's hands gently hold the test. He sucks in a deep breath. Drum roll please. Jon mentally rolls his eyes and finally looks at the damned test. 

The small screen shows two lines. 

Jon is 5 weeks pregnant... 


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