Chapter 1: Where am I?

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You cowered in a corner as the cage shook and jerked forward and backward, causing you to fall. The metal was cold against your skin and the rattling sound of chains filled the air. 'Think good thoughts, think good thoughts.' You thought.

Closing your eyes, you took a deep breath. 'Freaking out won't help. Maybe I can work this out.' You mumbled, grabbing your legs.

'Okay, so I'm in a cage that's moving and I have no idea where or who I am. Maybe it's not that bad, at least I know my name,' You thought, trying to voice out any panic.

The cage jerked once more. This time more violently. 'Oh boy, I was wrong. This is bad. This is very, very bad.' You panicked.

A loud clank rang out above you, you let out a startled gasp as you looked up. A straight line of light appeared across the ceiling. After so long in darkness, the light stabbed your eyes. You turned around sharply.

"It's another bloody girl!" A voice said from above you, it had a British accent. Other remarks followed, some of which you caught hold of,

"Is she hot?"
"Dibs too"
"She looks like she's about to pass out."

You squinted your eyes to look up. Sucking on a gasp, you saw many faces peering at you.

"Where the bloody hell am I?!?" You yelled, confused but mostly irritated.

Out of nowhere, someone threw a rope. You stood up from your corner and walked towards the rope. Hesitating, you placed your foot in the loop. Soon you were dragged out of the cage. When your foot touched the ground, you immediately let go of the rope and turned around.

You stood in a vast courtyard several times the size of a football field, surrounded by four enormous walls that made an exact square, each split in the exact middle by an opening as high as the walls from what your blurry vision could see.

Your eyes cleared as you looked at the faces that swarmed around you, you were shocked to see that all of them were boys. Without a second thought, you ran. You ran as fast as you could. You could hear screams for you to stop but you just ignored them. Far ahead you saw an opening and that only made you run faster. You were so focused on the opening that you bumped into someone and fell.

You scrambled to your feet, trying to get a glimpse at the person. You gasped when you realized that it was a girl. But before you could say anything, you felt someone grab your shoulder. In a quick move, you held the person's hand and twisted it. The person yelped out in pain.

You immediately let go of the boy and held your arms in front of you clumsily, in an attempt to look brave. "Don't touch me." You threatened, surprised by the confidence in your voice.

The rest of the boys stood there, surprised. You felt a smirk come up but kept your face serious. A dark-skinned boy walked up, his expression set in a deep scowl,

"Slim it Greenie, we ain't gonna hurt you." He said, his voice saying that he wasn't impressed.

"How do I know you're not lying?" You asked, eyes quickly scanning the boys as you tried to take each one in.

There were almost 50 of them. Each one a different race and age. Almost all of them had shocked expressions as they stared at you.

"At least this one's awake!" A scratchy voice yelled out from the boys; you couldn't make out who it was. A few boys snickered.

"Shut it!" The dark boy bellowed, silencing them.

You raised an eyebrow, waiting for the dark boy to say something. "It's a long story shank. Piece by piece I'll tell ya in the tour. Name's Alby,"

You searched his face for any hint of lying, there was something about him that made your instincts scream. You turned back to the rest of the boys. Most of them looked to be around their mid-teens. Your heart sank as you realized that you didn't know your age.

Alby walked up to you, holding out his hand. You just stared at it, "Tell me. What is this place?" You frowned.

Before he could say anything, a blonde boy smacked him on the back playfully. "It's alright Alby, I can handle her." He said, you immediately recognized him as the British guy.

Alby hesitated then shrugged, "Listen here Greenie, old life's over, new life begins tomorrow. Now get ready for the tour will ya." And with that, Alby stomped off to a building of some sort.

Most of the boys wandered off then, each one giving you a lingering look before leaving. Once they were gone, you shrunk into the tree nearest to you. "Why am I here?" You mumbled. "What did I do to deserve this?"

"Sorry about that." The British boy said, walking closer to you. You noticed it and quickly stood up. "Hey hey. Easy there, I'm not going to hurt you." He smiled, "Name's Newt, Greenie,"

"What's a Greenie?" You asked, feeling a little lost with all the foreign words.

But before he could say anything else, a chubby boy who couldn't be older than 11 or 12 ran up to you.

"Hello," he smiled, his curly brown locks nearly covering his blue eyes. You didn't know what to say so you smiled back.

"Chuck, get her somewhere to sleep." Newt said before running off; probably after Alby or something.

"So, what was that about?" Chuck asked, sitting down beside you as you still stood.

"What?" You asked, sitting next to him. He was quite young, maybe even the youngest among the others.

Chuck faced you, "You know, the shout then running off and bumping into Teres-"

"Chuck!" You quickly turned around to see a boy running toward Chuck, he had brown hair and was surprisingly fast,

There was something about him that seemed familiar, something that- You were cut off from your thoughts as he approached. Almost on alert, you stood up.

Both of you stared at each other for a while. Something about him was... Strange. You felt a connection to him, it was like you knew him or something. It was hard for you to grasp but somewhere in your mind you had a feeling that you weren't the only one in it.

You were the first to break your little staring contest. Shaking your head, you took a few steps back, trying to clear your mind, it was all a blur.

"Um, am I missing something?" Chuck spoke up, breaking the eerie silence. You turned to him; confusion written all over your face. You opened your mouth to say something but the boy beat you to it.

"No... Not at all I guess," the boy said, still staring at you. You felt uncomfortable under his gaze.

"Okay..." Chuck trailed off, the boy broke his gaze from you and sat down next to Chuck. You hesitated, then followed, keeping a safe distance between you two.

"So, what's your name?" Chuck asked, trying to get rid of some of the awkwardness.

"What?" You said, not entirely focused.

"Your name? You haven't told us-and I know you remember that much."

"(Y/n)" You barely heard yourself, your mind was in a haze. "Chuck. Where am I? What is this place?"

Chuck stared at the boy for a while before the boy spoke up,

"We call it the Glade."

Please point out any mistakes.
I know it's a bit confusing but I'll explain later on in the next chapters.
I hope you like the new version.

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