You go camping

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Louis: "I'm not going. You can't make me," you said burrowing yourself into the couch. "Challenge accepted," he said determined. Then he started to pick you up and hoist you over his shoulder. "Hey, no. That's not what I meant. Put me down," you squirm in his arms. He made it all the way outside then opened his door and shoved you in the passenger's seat then clicked the child-lock and slammed the door. In a flash he ran over to the driver's side and turned on the engine. "Why do cars even have that option? No wonder why people get kidnapped," you pouted as you angrily tried to push your unlock button and jiggle the handle. "Calm down, you'll be fine. I promise," he said driving away from your nice safe home. He parked the car and walked over to your side to open your door and release you, but you just sat there refusing to get out. Once he got all of the bags out of trunk he went back over to you and looked into the door with his arms crossed. "Are you going to come with me," he questioned. You shook your head, "I'm safe in the car. I don't know what's in the woods. I'm staying here," you explained. "Fine, suit yourself. Stay hear all alone" he said trying to Scooby-Do you before he started to walk away. "Wait," you yelled and chased after him. "I expect you to fend of all the wild beasts for me," you said as you put on your backpack and took a position closely behind him so he could lead the way. "I am man, hear me roar," Louis yelled scaring some birds out of the woods that went whizzing past your head. You ducked behind his shoulder then after the commotion was done hit him in the bum for disturbing the peace. "Oww," he just laughed rubbing the area then lead you forward. He messed with you the whole walk making you believe he saw bears and snakes, and you let him know how much you didn't appreciate it. He worked on pitching the tent at the campsite, and told you to search for wood to burn. You collected sticks not too far off from the tent when you touched a stick that started moving. It hissed and snapped toward you, so you threw everything you collected in the air and booked it. "Louis, Louis, I touched a snake," you ran in slightly terrified but also proud. "Ok, babe, but you could have just told me if you didn't want to get the wood," he said not believing you. "No, I did," you said pulling him up. You refused to let go of him until he saw it with his own eyes. Surprisingly it was still there and Louis was impressed. "Funny though, where there's one snake there's usually a bunch," he said calmly. You weren't sure if he was messing with you, but you didn't want to stick around to find out. By the end of the night you were starting to learn that camping wasn't the worst way to spend a day. "You know what the scariest creature out here is," Louis asked as you were lying in the tent. "Don't start this again," you warned. "Ticks," he said picking one off of your neck to show you. You cringed as you watch him open the tent to throw it in the fire. "Get them off. Get all of them off," you told him when he climbed back in. "My pleasure," he said before beginning to inspect your entire body as he slowly stripped off your clothes and warmed your cold goose-bumped skin with his kisses. "My turn," you said turning him over to get your own view.   

Harry: Harry stopped in a dirt parking lot right on the outskirts of the woods. He went behind you and started putting a blindfold over your eyes after you got out of the car. "I don't know how I feel about you taking away my sight. This is usually the point where the Lifetime movie turns dark and you try to kill me," you said to mess with him. "Just do what I say," he growled softly in your ear playing along. Then he took ahold of your arms to place a backpack on it. "Excuse me," you let out when he let go. "Well I can't carry everything by myself," he explained then placed a lighter bag in your hand. You tried to give him an annoyed looked, but you didn't know where he was so you were pretty sure you just insulted the air. After a long walk harry finally stopped you to take the blindfold off. "Wow, it's beautiful," you exclaimed peeking through the trees and leaves to a sunlit lake surrounded by sand. Then you looked down to see a picture of a tent on the bag you were holding. "We're camping," you concluded happily. "If we can pitch a tent, yes," he smiled. "We can pitch a tent," you replied confidently, but soon found out the one he picked was harder to figure out then you expected. After you finished you had to collect wood to make a fire, because it was starting to get dark. After you got it started you cooked the hot dogs Harry brought along, because you had worked up quite an appetite. When you were done you just laid in Harry's arms by the fire looking out to the moonlit water. "Want to go skinny dipping," he whispered into your ear. You should have saw that coming, "I don't know," you pondered. "Well I'm going," he said squirming out from underneath you. He striped down faster then you thought was humanly possible. Then he looked back at you with his cheeky smile and threw his hand in the air like a goob. You just laughed at him not sure what your decision was yet. "The water's so nice," he yelled, "You're missing out," he started splashing the water around. You found his pathetic attempts to get you into the water hilarious, but nonetheless convincing. You liked having the lake all to yourself with Harry, and you didn't know if the opportunity would arise again. You got up and slowly took off your top and skirt to tease him as he watched happily just peeking his eyes out of the water. You turned around to take off your undergarments and told him not to peek. "Hey I showed you mine, you show me yours," he shouted. You just shook your head as you ran in covering yourself with both arms. "It's freezing, you liar," you squealed. "I don't think so, but I can warm you up," he said swimming toward you. You bit your lip nervously and let him pull you into a hug. "Now this is the part in the Lifetime movie where a shark comes to kill me," you blurted out. "Why do you feel the need to ruin every romantic moment I have," he said gritting his teeth in his fake angry way as he placed his forehead on yours. "Because it's true," you shrugged. "Just let me kiss you," he said grabbing your face softly looking at you with big eyes. "If you can catch me," you said with a smile freeing yourself to run away ungracefully. "Let me love you," he shouted chasing after you.             

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