You play sports together

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Louis: "Come on get it past me I dare you," Louis says shuffling from side to side. You wish he wasn't such a competitive soccer player. You just wanted to play a fun game, but he had to use the opportunity to show you that he was the best. You start out trying to kick it high and then you aim for the corners. He blocks every shot. "Ha, you're going to have to try harder then that babe," he says obviously not breaking a sweat. Then you fake aiming for one side and kick it in the other direction, but he still blocks it then slams it into the ground. He continues to block and shove it in your face each time. "Admit defeat and just give up you're hopeless," he brags, "I'm just too good you can't compete." You've had enough so you aim for his nuts, and without thinking you just kick it. You see him put his hands down to catch it but he must have missed. The ball fell down as he leaned forward and fell to the side in pain. You yell, "Oh, I'm so sorry," as you run over to him. "You did that on purpose," he whines. "No I didn't," you lie, "Why would I do that?" "Don't lie to me," he says about to tear up, "I'm in too much pain to be lied to right now." "Well, I might have been aiming there a little bit," you admit. "A little bit or a lot a bit," he growls. "A lot a bit," you say nervously. He stops tensing up and looks at you with a big smile. "You where really aiming for my balls," he questions in surprise. "You were faking," you ask. "Yeah I caught it, but I wanted to know your intentions on the last one; I can't believe you" he replies sarcastically. "You underestimate me Louis Tomlinson," you say with a smirk. "I guess I do, but this vicious side of you is turning me on," he says pulling you down to the ground with him. "Really, prove it" you say. He starts moving his lips to yours but you quickly put your hand over your mouth and he kisses that instead. He backs his head up and gives you a confused look. "Now who's blocking who," you say, "You're going to have to try a lot harder if you ever want to kiss these lips again." "Challenge accepted," he says then tackles you and pins you on the grass as you do everything you can to keep your lips from his.

Harry: Liam and Niall were waiting on the other side of the badminton net. "Harry I didn't know we where playing doubles. I thought it was just going to be the two of us," you yell. "Yeah, well, I bet them that I could beat them alone and I did, so they bet me that I couldn't beat them with you on my team," Harry explained. "Rude," I said slightly insulted, "I'm not that bad." They all just stared back at me with confused looks. "Ok, ok I'm not great, but I'll have you know that I've been practicing and you're all in for a surprise," I explained. "Doesn't matter you're both going down," Niall shouted, "And we're going to eat your sandwich Harry." "You guys are weird. Most people just bet with money," you say. "But we're not like most people," Liam adds then quickly states the score and serves the birdie into your forehead. "Hey, I wasn't ready," you say annoyed. "I wait for no one," Liam says holding back a smile then puts his hand up for you to throw him the birdie. He counts it then serves it to you again and you miss it completely. You keep missing it until the set is over. Harry comes over and whispers into you ear, "Just remember watch the birdie not your racket." You listen to his advice, but just hit it way out of bounds. The rallies continue to end with you until the last set. It's impossible for you two to win, but Harry says he wants to keep going as a formality. You feel bad that you ruined the game for him so when you see the birdie fly above your head you hit it as hard as you can and hope for the best. It whizzes past the net and hits Niall in the eye. "Gez," he says grabbing his eye. Apparently he wasn't expecting that from you. You apologize nervous that you actually hurt him while Harry cracks up behind you. Liam serves the game point behind you before you two could get back into position. "We win," he says as he grabs the back of Niall's shirt to drag him into our kitchen. "Yeah buddy," Niall says as he lets go of his eye obviously faking the pain the whole time. You just stand there dazed and confused about what just happened. "That was the best game ever," Harry says as he picks you up by your torso and twirls you around. "But we lost," you remind him while you're still in his arms. "But you won your first point and hit your first victim. That's a step in the right direction," Harry tells you as he puts you down. "So you don't mind being my doubles partner," you ask. "No, you're the best partner I ever had," he says, "I'll be your doubles partner for life whenever you let me." "Deal," you reply as you wrap your arms around his neck and lean in to kiss him.

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