Chapter 3: You Do What?!

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¥(Y/N)'s POV¥
When I got home I freaked out. I quickly went to my room and shut the door. By this time my parents were awake. When I left the house this morning it was 5:00am I got back around 7:00am..I know time flies. When I got to my room I quickly looked at the picture I had taken before I ran from Toby. I looked at it zooming in and zooming out. What catches me is his hazel brown eyes. I get my knife and put it in a drawer to my night stand. I threw my phone on my bed and paced back and forth. I then heard a gentle knock on my door. I look up "'s open" I say as my mother opens the door. "Sweety are you ok? You came in and rushed to your something wrong?" She ask. "Yeah yeah I'm fine...just uh...some uh..some..." I couldn't think of words..."(Y/N) tell me what's going on please.." She says as I sigh.."Yesterday I climbed a tree and I saw someone..the were looking right at me..before I could find out who it was you I never found out. But on my way home he started to follow me home. Then last nigh when I left to look for something they chased me again and that time he caught me. He pined me down he held up a hatchet to kill me but I lied to him saying I wanted die and he didn't kill me but he did move enough so I kneed him right in the nuts and ran." I showed her the picture I just took before I left him.. but I didn't tell her about what just happened became of the face she had on. "(Y/n)...I am not allowing you to leave this house for 2 weeks...I don't want to risk losing you.. I will call (B/F/N)'s parents to ask if they can bring your home work over." She tells me. "What?!MOM you can't do that!"I yell her. "Watch me" she says as she leaves closing my door and locking it from the outside..I cant unlock it from the inside. I bang on the door. She hits it hard and yells "SHUT UP!!!" I stop. I go to my bed and lay there crying and shaking. Why me..I...I don't want this life. Tell my self. I fall asleep in a ball on my bed
¥Time Skip to night..cause life¥
¥Toby's POV¥
Ahh I was so mad at Jeff for going through my room. At least I had the necklace back..Should I give it back to her? I  ask myself as I walk down the stairs. The necklace around my neck and under my shirt. Before I leave slender stops me."Toby..where did you get those cuts? And give what back to who?" He asks..I forgot he could read thoughts.. "I-I uh g-got cut b-by one o-of my victims..a-and I was a-about t-t-to kill them b-but Jeff distracted me..A-and I was g-g-going to my s-s-sister's grave t-to p-put something back.." I tell him..when mentioning my sister I feel somewhat weak as I remember her.."ok then Toby..And I will talk to Jeff about bugging you" he says as he lets me leave. I quickly leave and head towards (Y/N)'s house to give her back the necklace. When I'm almost there, I feel someone pin me down. What sticks out to me is the white hoodie.."J-J-Jeff? Get off m-me!!" I yell at him. He holds me tighter as I try to pry his hands off me. "JEFF GET OFF!!" I yell at him. "Listen Tic boy.. What are you up to?" He asks..somewhat growling. "T-That is n-None of y-your business!!" I try to kick him. Next thing I know he pulls his blade out on me and too my neck. "O-Oh I'm so s-s-scared!!" I say sarcastically."I d-don't feel p-pain remember!!""yeah I know.. but it would still be fun to slit your throat." He says. I growl as I reach for a hatchet, and is successful, and I use the back of the head instead for the front.(ya know..the part without the blade) and swing it enough to hit his back. He loosens his grip and I throw him off me. I quickly jump up twitching almost like a mad man. He slowly stands up and faces me. He charges toward me . I dodge and hit him in the head with the handle. He turns and looks at me..anger and rage in his eyes. He runs at me again. This time I fail to dodge and he slices my arm pretty good and deep. Feeling no pain I look at him. This time I ran towards him and slashed him with my hatchet. He yells in pain. Oh I've missed that sound I think to myself.
¥(Y/N)'s POV¥
I woke up in almost the middle of the night. I head to my door to open it when I remember what happened. I sigh as I go to my window and open it. The air was cold but it still felt nice. I started to think about that guy..Toby. I grabbed my phone and sat by the window again. I looked at the pictures..What he didn't know was I got a short video too. At least enough to hear his voice and see his face. I plugged in my (f/c) ear buds and watched the video over and over again. I stopped when I heard yelling..I turned off my phone and looked outside. I hear It again. "JEFF GET OFF!!" It echoes through the woods. I think and that voice sound like..Toby? I kept listening until I heard a scream of pain. I quickly grabbed a black hoodie and that knife from before. I jumped out my window grabbing a tree branch and climbing down. When I got to the bottom I put my hood up, with some hair in my hoodie and some out the hoodie, and started to go quickly, yet quietly towards the yelling.

A Killing Love (Ticci Toby X Reader Lemon)Where stories live. Discover now