Chapter 11:We Have to Find Out What

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{Lui's POV}

In less then a few minutes she passed out on my lap.  I stayed still,  not wanting to wake her. I softly pet her (h/l) (h/c)  hair as she sleeps. I stay protective as I hear footsteps go past the door. In about ten minutes there is a knock on her door and she wakes up a bit.  "Wh-Who's there? " Her voice is soft and quiet. I carefully move her off my lap and check. Toby.  Toby stands outside the door. Hanging his head a bit. He looks up at me and stares for a bit. I can hear him slightly growling.

{Toby's POV}

I went to go check on (Y/n) because I was worried for her. When I got to her room the door was closed, so I knocked lightly. I heard a small voice and then the shuffling of feet.  Lui opened the door. I wasn't expecting him. I actually got protective and started to growl. "Wh-where is sh-she.. " I stutter out and twitch. He stares at me  and moves out the way. "I was just trying to keep her safe and help her.."He tells me. But I don't listen to him. I block him out and rush over to her." A-Are you o-ok? J-Jack didn't hurt yo-ou right?"I look over her making sure she is ok. "Im fine Toby..."She moves away from me a bit. "Hey what's wrong?" I ask moving closer. She moves back again and I move away too. "You were going to kill had your hatchets set on killing me..You had your eyes set on killing me..You wanted my blood" I freeze at her words. "(Y/N) I-I would ne-ne-never please...I-It was his halluc-cina-ations..They were made to scare you..." I am shaking. I shouldn't be scared. But this fear lingers in her face. In her one eye I can see. She looks away from me and back at Liu. He walks over "Hey um bud...maybe you should let her think about it and calm know?" He's right. I really should but. I just. Can't. I care so much about her. I'm too scared myself to say I am.  So I give a heavy sigh and leave the room. Hoping soo she won't fear me. I head to the kitchen to get a drink. I grab a cup and some water and I start to drink it. I choke when Jeff jumps in my back from behind me and chokes me. I elbow him hard on the stomach and throw him to the ground "WHAT THE HELL?!? " I shout ticless.  All he does is laugh at me. "Oh you should have seen your face Rogers!! Priceless!! Lover boy~" He laughs and laughs. I growl and throw a hatchet at his head. Hitting right next to it. I quickly pin him. I hold back on just ramming my hatchet into his face over and over and over again. I just punch him a few time and get up and leave. Once I get outside, a loud scream pierces the air. "(Y/N)!!!! " I bolt back in the mansion and up the stairs.

{(Y/n) 's POV}

Once Toby leaves I cling to Liu. Still scared for my life. Was it really a hallucination.. Or did it actually happen.. It felt real.. I don't know I sigh and lay my head on his chest. I feel him pet my head and I close my eyes. I try to relax but then I hear it. The music box. I open my eyes and look around. Liu is gone. I'm in the room alone. I stand and walk around. "What the hell? " I mutter. "Please don't let this be real... " Then I hear his voice again. "Hey (Y/N) com-me here.. I wanna pl-play a game with yo-ou~" I look at Toby terrified. I back away from him. "You're not Toby.. You're not Toby you're not Toby! " I scream at him. Mostly to calm myself. He walks towards me and I back away. Our eyes stay on each other. Locked on each other. I feel something hit my back and I look. It's Liu. I smile a bit and hug him shaking. "Pathetic" He tells me. His voice different. Deeper. I pull back and look. "L-liu? " I question. He smirks at me"you call me that I'll have to kill you. I don't like that name. I prefer something different something.. More dominate~" I look for Toby. He's gone. I look back at the man who I called Liu. The man who changed in a flick of a second. I stand frozen. "What do you mean li-" Before I even finish he pins me to the ground in less then a second. He makes a light growling noise and I whimper out of fear. He gets close to my ear and whispers "how about you call me.. Master~" I freeze as a shiver goes down my spine. I go to push him off but something holds my hands down to the ground. I can't move. I lie there as Liu's hands start to roam my body. "Get off me.. Please" I weakly spit out. All he does is smirk and move his hands under my shirt. Under my bra. His hands are cold and rough on my skin. He starts to move towards my breasts until I muster all my energy and scream as loud as I can. Louder then I've ever screamed. He pulls away holding his head screaming in pain. Soon everything goes dark and I am still screaming. I open my eyes and see Liu. He looks panicked and is close to me. I scream again this time louder and I push him away falling onto the floor. I scream and scream until Toby runs in the room. "W-WHATS WRONG?!? " He asks or more like yells. Liu looks at him"I don't know. She fell asleep in my arms and woke up scream at me."

{Liu's POV}
When she lies her head on my chest I lightly pet her hair. And hum softly. She soo falls asleep and I hold her on my lap. I smile until she starts mumbling. "You're not Toby... You're.... Toby.. Not.. " I watch her carefully.  She moves a lot and I get worried. "Liu.. " Her voice is soft. "Yes (y/n) ? " I ask and then see she is still sleeping. I sighs and holds her close. Before log she panics more "get off me.. Please.. " She sounds panicked and I want to help her. I try to shake her awake and it doesn't work. I go to try something different and then she screams loudly waking up. I panic a but worried about her. She looks at me and is scared. She screams again and falls off the bed. I hear loud foot steps rush up and the door opens with Toby on the other side. "W-WHATS WRONG?!? " Toby shouts with panic. "I don't know. She fell asleep in my arms and woke up screaming at me." I say trying to be calm. Not long after slender shows up. "What is all the commotion? " His voice booms deeply. (Y/n) goes quiet. He looks at her and picks her up. She clings to him like a child. "Sir she was asleep and.. " Slender stops me before I finish. "Laughing Jack is trying to get at her. I will hold onto her for a while and do my best to get rid of him. You two don't worry about it. " With that he disappears. I look at Toby and we share the same look. Panic, worry, and fear. "Something is up" Toby starts. I finish his sentence "We have to find out what"

PEACE!! --

A Killing Love (Ticci Toby X Reader Lemon)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora