Chapter 6: Because You, Jeff, And EJ Did This To Me

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After I finally busted out of Jeff's closet, I heard the most terrifying sound ever. (Y/N)'s screams of pain. I ran out of Jeff's room and to Slender' s office. I tried to open the door but it was locked. I growled to myself. I knew I never should have trusted Jeff!!! I yell to myself in thought. No..You shouldn't have trusted him Toby I hear slender tell me through thought. "NO!!"I yell as I swing my hatchets at the door breaking it. I swing a few more times and then burst into the room. I almost die as I see (Y/N) on the floor passed out holding her left eye. "W-WHAT DID Y-YOU DO TO H-HER?!?!?" I yell at Slender. I started to twitch like mad. I wanted to kill slender but I knew he would be able to kill me first. "I just made her more...Well let's say I just made to live here.." He says. I knew what he meant... He made her one of us..He made her a Proxy. I pick her up. Her (h/l) (h/c) in her face covering  her eyes. I got to her room an  placed her on her bed. I covered her with the blankets there. I locked her door and sat on the edge of her bed. I took my mouth guard, goggles,and gloves off. I sighed I looked at her. She looked peaceful, but I knew she was in pain.
I was sitting with her for at least ten minutes. I got up to leave when I heard a soft moan of pain come from (Y/N). I turned and looked at her. I rushed to her because I was walking towards the door. She moans again and then I hear a faint whisper. It was so soft I couldn't hear it. "(Y/N-N)? (Y/N) are y-you awake?" I say she twitches and then I notice she is still sleeping, but something was off. A nightmare. She started kicking, and then punches. Finally started to yell,"NO STOP!! PLEASE DONT HURT HIM!! STOP I-IT HURTS!!AHH!!" I tried to shake her awake. It didn't work. I started screaming at her to wake up. "(Y/N)!! (Y/N) W-WAKE UP!! P-PLEASE ITS JUST A D-DREAM!!PLEASE (Y/N) WAKE UP!!" I started to get worried because she never woke up. I stop trying to wake her, I unlock the door and I ran out her room. I had to find Slender because I knew this was bad.
¥(Y/N)'S POV¥
{Dream Realm}
I woke up in my house with my parents at my bed side. "Sweety are you ok? You kept yelling in your sleep" my mother asks. "I-I'm fine.." I say confused on why I'm home. My parents leave and I get up. I look at my legs and the scars and cuts I had before, when I ran from Toby in the woods, were gone. "It must have been a dream then..heh" I say to myself as I get dressed and go down stairs with my school bag. I sat at the table as my mom served breakfast. I ate quickly, but the strange thing was that I couldn't taste it. I shrugged it off. I soon left for the walk to school. While walking I look into the woods. I see someone. It looks like Toby. I rush over, happy to see, who I thought was, Toby. When I get closer, I notice its not Toby. I started to quickly back away as that..thing morphed into something else. I was scared and turned. I ran. I ran for my life. When I got out I found myself in front of school. I quickly went inside and was created by (B/F/N). They had a huge smile on their face. "Hey (y/n)!! Come on we're gonna be late." I smile and rush over to them. We rush to class just in time.
After school, (B/F/N) walked me home. Then they stayed and we did homework and just started hanging out. "Hey, (Y/N), wanna go to the park?" They ask. "The park? At night? In the cold? Hmmmm..OK!" I say as I jump up grabbing a (f/c) hoodie. I tell my parents I'm going out and (b/f/n) and I head out to the park. When we get to the park, no one is there and the street lamps are on letting some light so we can see. I rush to one of the swings and sit. (B/f/n) starts to push me. They know how I loved being pushed on the swings. We laugh and  talk for what feels like forever when it has only been 5 minutes. I was laughing so hard that I couldn't breathe. I calmed down and closed my eyes. I take deep breaths. I open my eyes and (B/F/N) isn't there. I look around until one person catches my eyes. My dead older brother. He died after going into the woods... and never coming back.
¥Third Person POV¥
"You promise you'll come back out? Because you know
how much you mean to me" 13 year old (Y/N) said to her 20 year old brother. "Of course I will. Besides I'm just going camping and we won't be far in the woods." He says kneeling down. He opens his arms and (y/n) runs into them giving him a big hug. Some tears fall from her face. He was the only person, besides (b/f/n), keeping her from cutting herself again or even commuting suicide. He was one of the few people that helps her and protects her from their parents. He lets go but she continues to hug him. "Please don't leave" (y/n) says in a soft voice into his ear. "I promise I will come back and besides Adam and Sky are coming. You know I would never leave you. Just as long as, when I get back, you don't cut yourself. Or even try..I love you (y/n)" he tells her. "I love you too Greggory" she replies back and then they both let go.
¥Time Skip 3 days later¥
(Y/N) and her parents were sitting on the couch watching (f/tv). Her step dad was confused as (y/n) and her mom were deep into the show."Really," her step dad starts,"I really don't know how you two can sit and watch this for hours? I just don't get it" (y/n) looks at her step dad. "Easy.. it's called love watching tv." He sighed and rolled his eyes as she went back to watching (f/tv). Suddenly the news comes on. (Y/n) and her mom groaned with some sadness because  it just got to a cliffhanger.

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