Chapter 8:Sweet Dreams

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{{Please ignore the fact that this instrumental has Jeff on it. I just wanted this song and this was the one I have listened to before lol anyways. READ ON!!}}


I just got done with a tea party with Jeff when I saw Toby dragging (Y/N) through the mansion. After that, I went up stairs to go to my room to put things away. While I was going to my room, I was passing(Y/N)'s room and I heard her crying and mumbling random words. I couldn't make out what she was saying, and I couldn't get Slendy because he was dealing with Toby. I waited a bit and when I heard her crying slow down I knocked on the door. She opened the door and her eyes were red and puffy. Well one eye was because I couldn't  see her other eye. She had hair covering it. "I saw what happened with Toby, Wanna have a tea party?" I asked as sweetly as I could. I saw her smile as she says yes. I was supper happy and started jumping. I grabbed her hand and raced off to my room with her. When we get to my room, I close the door and she sits on my bed."So, how would you like to start the Tea Party Sally?" She asks. I think for a minute and then run to my closet. I dig through it until I find an extra big blanket and a crown. I hurry back over to her. "Let's play pretend and be royalty! I'll be the princess and you can be the queen!! Queen (Y/N)!!" I say excitingly.  I watch her as her eye tears up and then she smiles at me. She wipes her tears away and answers me"S-Sure Sally..We can d-do that" I don't know what it is but I hear something in her voice. She sounds happy, but also sad. "(Y/N) Is everything okay? Why are you crying?" I walk closer to her. "Hu?Oh no reason Sally.."She wipes tears from her eye again"Let's play ok?" she says as she smiles. I smile back at her and hand her the blanket and crown. She puts them on and poses like a queen. I giggle and put my princess dress on and my terra. I set up the tea party and (Y/N) helps. "So Princess Sally, how has your day been so far?" She asks as she tries to sound like a queen."Well Queen (Y/N) it has been very nice so far. What about you?" I ask as we sit at my tiny table."Well it could be better..but anyways."She takes a sip of the pretend tea," my my Princess Sally this tea is delightful!"She tell me. I giggle,"Why thank you! It was a stress to make heheh" We played tea party for a long time until, we heard running through the halls. (Y/N) became protective and got up and in front of me as if I was her child and she was keeping me away from danger. "WHERE IS SHE?!?!" We hear someone yell. I get a bit scared and hold on to (Y/N)'s arm. I can feel her shaking, but she stays strong. The footsteps get louder as they race past my door. When (Y/N) thinks they're gone she relaxes and turns around. She crouches down and hugs me. I hug back a bit tight because I was slightly scared. Next thing we heard was my door, practically, being destroyed as Jeff stands there starring at (Y/N) and me. (Y/N)quickly lets go and turns around standing tall and looking brave. "FINALLY! God Toby's looking everywhere for you (Y/N)!!" He yells a bit as he walks in and closer to (Y/N). She backs away and bit as I hold her arm tightly. "Can't you see that I'min the middle of something right now?" She tells him as he walks closer."I mean you should be able to since you can't close your god damn eyes" She shoots at him and he stops walking and just watches her. I see him put his hands in fists.

Oh this bitch was gonna get it. I didn't care if Toby had to protect her, or if she was now a part of us. She was now dead in my eyes. Yeah it's true I can't close my eyes, but I still take offence to that. As I put my hands in fists I see Sally shaking lightly behind (Y/N) as she also holds her arm tightly. I make the mistake and grab (Y/N)'s wrist. I hear her scream with some pain and then I feel myself stumble back as she punches me in my, beautiful, face.  She looks at me and I can see the fear in he r(e/c) eye. I was mad and didn't care anymore. I grabbed her wrists tightly and said up close to her."I don't care if I scare you. I don't care about you at all. I'm just doing what I'm asked to do. Now you're coming with me." I practically growl all of that to her I was that mad.  hear Sally run off as I see tears start to flow down (Y/N)'s face. I roll my eyes and walk away with her. I hold her wrists tightly when I feel her try to get out my grip. It wasn't long after that when I felt something wet in my hands. I let go of one wrist and look at my hand. There was blood covering it. I look back at her wrist and see the cuts. I go to say something when Slender appears with Sally."Jeff what are you doing?!" He yells. "I was getting (Y/N) for Toby like how you asked me to." I tell him calmly.  "Jeffrey let her go, now" He says in a stern voice. I sigh, rolling my eyes, and let her go. He walks over to her, she backs away a bit when he gets closer. "No worries child, I will not hurt you. I just want to see your wrists."He tells her. She nods and lets him hold her wrists."Ok", he starts,"Im going to wrap these and then I must take you to Toby ok?" All she does is look down and nod.
{(Y/N)'S POV}

After how Jeff treated me, I wanted to die. But Slender was there thanks to Sally. Slender took me to a bathroom and wrapped my wrists. I didn't look at him once as he did."Thank you" I mumbled after he finished."Child it's alright. Im so sorry for how Jeff treated you." I didn't say anything back. "Come on..Toby wants to say something to you." He says as he lightly grabs my shoulder. I walk with him to Toby's room. We go in and I see Toby pacing back and forth mumbling random words that I couldn't hear. Slender clears his throat and Toby looks up. His eyes are red and puffy from, what I guess was, crying. "(Y/N)..I-I-Im so so-s-sorry..I-I-I don't kno-ow what ca-came over m-m-m-me." He says as he takes a step closer to me. I stiffen up as he gets closer. He gently grabs my hands and holds them."Ple-please forgive me.." He says. His voice was filled with sorrow."o-ok Toby, I forgive you.." I tell him and he smiles at me. I don't smile back at him. "Hey everything ok?" He asks."yeah, just...thinking...""About?" He asks like an annoying child. "Things that im not comfortable talking about right now.." I tell him as Slender leaves. He notices my wrists and I try to hide them, but I was too late."(Y/N) Wha-at hap-ppened?"He looks me in the eyes, well eye really because you in front of the other eye..heh.. He moves the hair away from my eye with the X on/in it. "Y-Y-You shouldn't hi-hide it..It l-looks go-ood on you with your (e/c) eyes"He says smiling. That smile he gives me makes me smile right back at him. "O-O-Oh my god! i-i-i didn't kno-now you di-id that!!I didn't kn-know you sm-smile!" He gasps.I can't help but giggle at his response.  I yawn. "Are y-you tired?" He asks as I just nod. "M-Man after all tho-ose times yo-you have bee-en knocked ou-out you would thi-think th-that you would get som-ome sleep." He tells me."Well maybe if all those time didn't end or start with a nightmare or vision of my past then maybe I would get sleep" I shoot back at him. He puts his hands in the air as if to surrender."Sorry sorry. H-Hey, you can sl-sleep on my be-bed ok?" He says. before anything else is said im in his bed. It's so warm I think to myself as I cuddle up deep in his blankets. I hear him chuckle as I cuddle in his blankets.

I couldn't help but chuckle at her and all her cuteness. She is no longer visible because she is so deep into my blankets. Not too long later she is dead asleep in my bed. I hold back on getting in and sleep with her like how we did that one night. I walk over to her and uncover her head a bit. I kiss the top of her head and tell her softly."Sweet dreams"

HHHEEEEEYYYYYYY  ALL MY LIL CHILLINS'!!!!!So yeah I'm sorry I haven't updated in a long time. I have just been busy with school and I just haven't had time. I'm also sorry if this was kind of short. So I want to thank you all for over 500 reads I find that amazing that people are reading my story. So I want to give a small shout out to Nikkichristy101 for their support on the story. So that is really all I have to say besides the fact that I'm going to try and make dates on when I'm going to post chapters. That's it for now. GOODBYE ALL MY BEAUTIFUL WEIRDOS!!!

A Killing Love (Ticci Toby X Reader Lemon)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя