And mistake she was! What should she do to fix this mistake? The pain was killing, crushing her heart with a huge weight and making breathing a difficult task. She wants to repair the mistake, she should do it. She had always worked hard to make everyone happy so that she can get a tiny part of their love in return. But now.. now she has become a nuisance, a living nuisance whose life is of no use. Who has only been a burden on everyone. Why will anyone love a girl who is nothing but a burden, a burden who has marred everyone's life. She is a mistake , just a mistake. Her parents did the mistake of leaving her behind, to just be a burden in everyone's life, even to them whom she loves. What is the use of such life, a life which can't keep her loved ones happy? She should fix this mistake, she should!










Arnav rushed inside their room, his eyes instantly searching the one for whom his heart was thudding so loudly inside his chest. He looked in the room, but she was not there. He rushed inside the poolside and a relief washed over him as he saw her sitting near the pool, still, not moving a muscle. The guilt overwhelmed him at once making him ashamed of himself. He should have not said that to her, he shouldn't have. Why he always forgets what all she has done for him? She almost gave her life.. Just the image of her lying almost lifeless in his arms sent tremors down his spine. Taking small steps towards her, he knelt behind her, her back facing him. He needs to apologize. He needs to say sorry. 'Sorry', the word held no meaning, atleast not for him. But he knows no other way to express how guilty he is.

"Khushi?" Arnav called softly , but she remained still. He kept his hand on her shoulder. "Khushi...I.... I ...."

"I have destroyed so many lives.... First jiji (my sister), ... her first marriage broke, because of me .... Second too was on the verge of breaking, and again the reason was Khushi Kumari Gupta, the adopted daughter of Shashi Gupta and Garima Gupta ... You married me for six month, and in your life too I was nothing but a nuisance , a person who is not needed in your life, an unwanted person .... Then your Di (your sister).... I ruined her life, too ... it is because of me that a man like Shyam has ruined your Di's life ...... I am sorry ... I am really sorry .... Sorry for everything, Arnav ji .... I am a mistake .... The biggest mistake ...."

Arnav swallowed the lump as he tried to refrain the tear from flowing down. She is not a mistake. How can he even say that to her? How can he? His shaking hand tightened on her shoulder, wishing nothing but to take away the pain that he was feeling in her voice, the pain which was twisting in his heart like a sharp knife.

A small chuckle made his closed eyes to jerk open.

"Now everyone will be happy .... I will pray for their happiness ... because ... because Arnav ji, Amma Babu ji ki kasam(I swear on my Amma and Babu ji...) , humne kabhi kisi ka bura nahi chaha (I have never wished any bad for anyone) .... I am sorry for ruining everyone's life .... Tell them that ... that I am sorry for ruining their life , Arnav ji .... I never wanted that .... I want them to be happy but .... But ... sorry for being the nuisance ...."

An unknown terror tussled inside his chest, suddenly making him gasp for some air. He was terrified, terrified beyond anything. Her tone, shallow empty .... Lifeless.... He words .... her words scaring him. Standing up, he stumbled in front of her. Catching her face between his palm, he made her look in his eyes. Dread filled his every vein as he saw those empty eyes.... it was empty... nothing there...... empty..

Arshi SS - His MistakeWhere stories live. Discover now