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stupid mistakes often start from pure intentions 

As we walk into the club, I feel the heavy pressure of eyes watching us. People are everywhere, a little too close to my liking and suddenly the short black dress Molly landed me doesn't seem so great anymore.

"You're hot as hell, stop worrying" Molly shouts over the loud music for me to hear and I smile, not knowing what to answer. I need a drink. Or maybe two. 

"This place is sick!" Luke exclaims, overly excited as he settles next to me and John at the bar.

"Bro tonight is going to be awesome!" John answers, equally excited. I see him check into his pocket, then around him, only to look back down again. "Got the good stuff" He gestures to something in his pocket that I can't quite see, It looks like some kind of very small plastic bag. 

"Dude what the fuck, who gave you this shit?!" Luke whispers angrily as he pushes the bag further into John's pocket. 

"Chill, your friend Brad gave it to me. He's joining us later tonight" John looks unfazed by Luke's worries, he doesn't bother looking at him as he shouts a drink name at the barman. Luke, on the other hand, looks agitated. 

"What was that? What's going on?" I decided to ask him. 

"Nothing Ev, just enjoy your night alright?" I want to agree, but I can't help my curiosity. 

"I can't believe you told Brad to come" Luke goes back to John, who is now swallowing his second shot. 

"They're nice, Brad and the rest of the team. Aren't they your best buds anyway ?" He answers and I'm so focused on their conversation that I don't notice it when my drink is placed before me. 

"The rest of the team is coming too? What the hell man! And yeah they're my friends, but ...it's complicated." Luke looks mad. Really mad. 

"Jeez, just chill man, it's fine. You're acting like a girl" John chuckles and this time, I'm the one who gets mad. The idea of pouring my cold drink down his face is tempting but I end up going for my second choice, which is actually drinking the thing. Bottom's up. 

"Shut it, Josh. Seems like you're bothering my friend here" Brad suddenly appears from behind us, and I do a little surprise jump on my seat. He pats Luke on the shoulder as he speaks. 

"It's John, actually," John says back, looking slightly hurt, but still very involved in his shot glasses. 

"Same thing. So, Hemmings, how's it going?" Brad barely acknowledges John as he speaks to Luke. What a jerk! "The guys brought the stuff, you know, to relax a lil' before the game next Friday" He continues speaking with that southern accent of his, and now I have no doubts about what was in that small baggie. 

"Man not here, people could see us," Luke says, still worried. Wait, is this something he's used to doing? Luke does drugs!? 

I'm not paying much attention to what drink the barman gave me anymore, even though I'm pretty sure it's not what I ordered. It's stronger. But yet again, any alcoholic drink will do. I just want to let loose and feel that boldness again. This feeling of strength and unconcern.

I welcome the cold drink down my throat and the familiar warm feeling hits me again as I swallow. I feel dizzy when someone grabs me by the hand and leads me to the dance floor. I recognize Molly and smile foolishly at her as I start dancing around. I don't mind the people, nor the closeness anymore. 

A couple of guys keep coming closer to us, and in a matter of seconds, I lose Molly. One of the guys is dancing behind me, holding me by the waist and normally I would have turned around and made him stop, but right now the alcohol in my veins makes me want to grind on him more.

The guy's hands travel from my waist to my hips, as I can feel his hot breath on my neck. This is so wrong. Something is going on. I only had two drinks, it can't make me that dizzy... I close my eyes for a second and I feel myself slowly drifting. I quickly open them back up and catch myself before I fall head first on the dirty ground. Wait, actually I didn't catch myself. The mysterious stranger grinding on me from behind caught me and is now leading me to the bar so I can steady myself on the counter. 

"Hey there, feeling a little out of it?" The guy asks. He looks familiar... I can't quite place it...

"Yeah," I answer, "I think... I think I should head home" I place my head in my hands, trying to get the pounding out of it. I need to get home. I'm not feeling well at all... Luke! I have to find Luke! He will get me home. I start looking around, searching for him but he and the rest of the team are nowhere to be found. Great. I've lost Molly, and now Luke. How the hell am I going to get out of here? 

"Need a ride home?" He asks, and then I look at him, really look at him and that's when I recognize who he is. 

As soon as I process everything in my mind I quickly answer "Yes, please". 

Harry's POV:

To hell with all this bullshit. Why is it so difficult to find someone around here? It's been weeks since I hired a private investigator to find my biological mother and still to this day he found nothing. Nothing but a name. Sophie. The man couldn't even find her last name. 

"Mr. Styles?" Amanda calls from the hall as I enter the foyer. 

"What is it, Amanda? I'm tired" I retort and I swear I can see her roll her eyes. 

"Oh, I'm sorry, I thought you might want to know that miss Peters came by earlier. She asked for you, and when I said you were out for dinner, she ran away. She did leave a bowl of soup though. Want me to microwave it for you?" She blurts out and I feel like killing someone.

I thought my text was enough to keep her away. I can't let her know what Mr. Guffer is doing for me. If she finds out I'm looking for my mother she might try to stop me and I can't let that happen.

"No. Just leave Amanda. I'll see you tomorrow." I instruct, not bothering to look at her as I grab my phone and start dialing. 


Next chapter will be very intense and emotional... get ready xx 

Love you loads!

-Elie xx 

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