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The stupid boy had left. No good-bye no nothing. Just a little corny note that read:

' Alena, I knew you'd come looking for me. I'm sorry! that e-mail please...' All he left me with was his e-mail. For months, I didn't use it, I guess...I had too much pride. I graduated, got a job and tried to move on. I had the money, the cars, the shoes,the clothes, the perfect job; yet still I wasn't happy. I needed my parents and Sam, which unfortunately my millions of dollars can't buy. We never dated, but after I left England he was all I had. A brother, a best friend, family, my partner-in-crime, my lab partner and most of all the boy I fell in love with.

We never contacted each other for three years. There were millions of questions to be asked. Millions to be answered. 'I moved on' was the biggest lie I kept telling myself. I got new friends, met new people- yet my world still was imcomplete. For me complete was just one person. Even after three years, I hadn't found the courage to contact him. I used to open my e-mail and write to him everyday, but to click the send button...I just couldn't.1195 drafts, lay in my draft box. Everyday I think about him; his hazel eyes,his muscular body-that girls used to drool about-his brown hair and his good looks.

I had no courage and no guts until 2014. 2nd January 2014.It was a day after new year, and I was laying on the couch going through my Uni photo albums. I knew that I had to talk to him, now or never-the little voice kept telling me. I opened my e-mail and wrote something short. Very short.

'Hey this is Alena Decker, How are you? May I please know your location?'

That was all I wrote; I didn't even say bye or love or from. If someone sent me that i would never reply. Five minutes later he replied.

'Is this THE Alena Decker? I'm sorry ma'am, not to be rude but why would you contact a normal guy like me? Anyways...I'm fine,Thank you. What about you? Im currently in Kualalumpur, Malaysia. Just to let you know i'm a big fan. Love, Sam Carter.'

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