Ch 11: First Day At UA

Start from the beginning

Leaning over Izuku tapped the shoulder of the guy sitting next to him. "what?" the kid asked in a tired voice. "Do you have any idea why those girls are starring over here like that?" Izuku asked totally confused. The lavender haired kid glanced over to the mass of students with his tired eyes then looked back at Izuku as if looking at a retarded moose.

"you gotta be kidding me." The kid said waiting for Izuku to respond. "look they think you're hot and they'll probably ask you out sooner or later. now if you will let me sleep in peace that would be appreciated" that was all the kid said before going back to sleep on his desk only to be woken by the bellowing voice of the homeroom teacher.

"OI!! YOU ALL BETTER GET GOING THE BELL JUST RANG!!" the lean woman bellowed as she griped walking into the classroom. "damn girls why can't they just focus on their studies instead of dating?" The woman grumbled under her breath. "Alright for those of you that don't know we will be getting a new student today, seeing as he has not arrived yet I'll start taking attendance" the woman said taking out a large book. She went down the list calling out names until she got to the last name "Tsukauchi?" She asked she was about to mark him absent but Izuku quickly snapped out of his daze. 

"here" Izuku said scaring the crap out of the teacher

 "geez you almost gave me a heart attack when did you get here?" She asked eyeing Izuku.

 "I've been sitting here since class started, I got here a few minutes before you did" Izuku said surprising the teacher.

"So you're the new student, huh? Then stand up and introduce yourself" The woman said leaning back against the chalk bored. 

Izuku stood a firm look on his face "Hello my name is Izu Tsukauchi, it's a pleasure to meet you all I hope we can all get along" Izuku was about to sit down but of course the teacher wanted to lighten the mood a little.

 "So you're the detectives son, so what type of quirk do you have is it similar to your father's" She asked making Izuku feel a little uncomfortable, nothing good ever came from telling others that he was quirk less. 

" I'm quirkless.." Izuku said sitting down and turning to look out the window before anyone could laugh at him. Many of the students started to crack up but no one dared to fully bust out laughing at him like in middle school. The teacher quickly changed the subject and started with the lesson. It wasn't long before the bell rang and everyone started to leave for lunch many of the students pointing fingers and giggling at Izuku. To which Izuku only sighed, he was so used to people looking down on him for this one way or another that he didn't care. Izuku stayed seated and waited for everyone to leave but one student didn't. It was the same guy from earlier he was sleeping like a log. Taking a chance of waking a very crabby teenager Izuku shook the guys shoulder. The guy started to mumble something before he slowly rose his head eyes baggy and looking exhausted. 

"What the hell do you want" the sleepy guy grownd turning to look at Izuku.

"Well it's lunch and I don't think you would of wanted to sleep through no one else looked like they cared if you woke or not" Izuku said grabbing his own things and got ready to leave, but was stopped by someone grabbing the end of his sleeve.

"uh...thanks I guess" The guy said letting go of Izuku's jacket

 "no problem, you were the only one who didn't start laughing the minute I said I was ya, see ya around" Izuku said leaving the classroom and heading to his other classes. While a very confused sleep deprived teen sat in the empty classroom.

 Izuku found himself in an old locker room that looked like it hadn't been used in ages, dust covered most of the lockers and cobwebs littered the entire room. Letting a small sigh out Izuku dusted off the locker he had been assigned and took out the box Nezu had given him this morning. Opening the box Izuku pulled out the black out fit, turtle neck sweater that was obviously weighted, a pair of cargo pants again weighted, a pair of combat boots and gloves all weighted. Izuku put on the solid black out fit and looked in the dusty mirror, it fit like a second skin yet it was flexible and breathable. 

When Izuku left the locker room he found himself in a mock city, huge sky scrapers raised high above him and even the trash bins and alley ways looked like he was in an abandoned city.  While Izuku looked around he felt a presence come close wanting to move out of the way quickly he tried to jump away. The result was him falling on the ground with a loud thud and a small crater in the concrete. This was because he still wasn't used to the extra weight growning and looking up at the figure beside him. Izuku seen a large man broad shoulder, blinking a couple times Izuku's vision cleared up a little. Looking at the tall man Izuku could now see him clearly, he had tanned skin, dark hair that was in a buzz cut, and the best way to describe his figure was the all american man. 

"need some help there kiddo?" The man asked leaning closer to Izuku, who tried to run. Again the weight of the out fit was to much and Izuku quickly lost the strength to run away, already feeling exhausted and ready to pass out. Letting a small chuckle escape his lips the man lifted Izuku up with ease. "You don't seem like such a monster" The man said slapping Izuku's back making him a bit wobbly. "Starting today I'll be your Coach, you can just use my old nickname JJ if you'd like or you can call me coach which ever you prefer" The large man said smiling down at Izuku.

"Alright Coach" Izuku said starting to adjust to the weight. "today we'll just start with basic hand to hand combat since your style is a bit aggressive.."JJ said looking at Izuku with a large smile. Getting into a fighting stance Izuku copied every step and motion that JJ made, even down to the smallest tilt. The two continued practice for several hours until Nezu approached the two "Sir how is everything?" JJ asked as he threw a punch, Izuku following suit.

"Well it's time for young Tsukauchi to come with me he still has his advanced physics to attend to" The small man said with a smile on his face. 

Izuku immediately went to the locker room and changed, grabbing his bag on the way out. When he followed Nezu around all he seen were a few teachers and a couple students getting out of detention. Nezu had stopped right in front of a door that looked just like the others but there was no room number. When the two entered the room all Izuku could see were shelves upon shelves of books. Some looked older than others, a couple even looked like they were going to fall apart at any second if you weren't careful with them.

"Alright let us begin" Nezu said leading Izuku through the maze of books. 


Hay everyone hope you enjoyed this chapter even though it was kinda boring. As always please comment because I love reading your feed back so that I can improve the story and it always puts a smile on my face knowing that you guys want more! :) I hope you all have a wonderful holiday season!!!

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