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A/N: Warning-- This chapter may or may not be short. But, don't worry, there will definitely be longer ones.

Skye's eyes shot open as she woke up on high alert to find that the room she was in was trembling violently; She glanced around warily, breathless, realizing the tremors was coming from her somehow

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Skye's eyes shot open as she woke up on high alert to find that the room she was in was trembling violently; She glanced around warily, breathless, realizing the tremors was coming from her somehow.

Coulson and May suddenly ran into the room, trying to find the source of the tremors. "Skye, what's doing this?" Coulson asked the said woman, both of them now watching her carefully.

Skye fearfully glanced from him to May and answered them a little quietly, "I am."

May approached her and sat on the bed while making her sit next to her. "I can't. I can't make it stop." Skye added, the tremors now increasing which shook the room even more.

"Listen to me, just me. We can do this. You can do this." May replied, one hand on Skye's shoulder and the other on her knee in assurance while Skye glanced down at her halfway clenched hands.

Skye closed her eyes and leaned her head against the wall behind them, attempting to calm her inhumanly high heart rate down. The tremors began to slow down as it ceased abruptly.

"Skye, you need to leave. Once they hear that you now have these abilities... Go. And don't get caught, lay low for awhile. Understand?" Coulson spoke up.

"I can't just leave." Skye started with a shake of her head, standing up quickly and facing him completely, "S.H.I.E.L.D is my life-"

"Skye, go." May cut her off just as the three of them heard armed agents marching down the hallway outside of the room. The agents' orders was to take Skye into custody for questioning.

"Be safe, Skye." Coulson added, placing his hand on the said woman's shoulder in assurance. "May and I will stall them long enough for you to escape. Remember your training. Go now."

The two of them exited out of the room after glancing back at Skye once more; She looked around the room again and then moved over to the balcony's doors and open them, stepping out onto the balcony.

She turned her head towards the door when she heard guns going off on the outside of the room; Skye then proceeded to climb on top of the railing, now looking below at the large pool of water that was twenty feet below her.

"Agent Skye, stop! Stand down!" An agent exclaimed as three agents ran into the room while she jumped off of the railing and plummeted into the water.

She broke the surface of the water and swam to the other side of the pool, climbing out of it, and sprinted down the pathway.

Skye didn't stop running until she had bumped into a familiar black haired man wearing a bullet proof vest; She moved her slightly shaky hands over the vest carefully and looked him over.

"You hurt?" Donald Davenport questioned in concern as his best friend shook her head and look him in the eyes. "Good."

"How did-- What are you doing here?" Skye also questioned him but was pushed behind him with Donald withdrawing two pistols from his holsters and shot the two incoming agents, knocking them out successfully.

"Icers. Nice invention, by the way, Skye." Donald remarked while gesturing to the high-tech pistols in his hands. The guns doesn't kill you but knocks you out for a while.

"How did you even find me?" Skye questioned him once more as Donald simply shrugged and answered, "It wasn't easy, but I traced the phone you had called me on, and here I am... I had to bring my sister home."

A male agent ran towards the two with his own pistol pointed at them- or, more specifically, Skye; She swiftly pushed Donald behind her and stuck her hand out towards the agents, the pistol in his hand starting to shake as it completely broke apart and the pieces collided onto the ground.

"Whoa." Skye found herself murmuring, glancing down at her palms and deeply inhaled. Donald's eyes widened as he looked over at her in slight confusion and shock. "I'll try and explain later, but first, let's get out of here."

"No, let's go home." Donald corrected her as the two adults then took off running to where he had landed his high-speed helicopter.


Skye stepped inside of the familiar Davenport-Dooley large house and was immediately engulfed in a tight hug by the four teenagers, Tasha and Donald also joining in on the hug as well.

She softly smiled a little, looking at them and was genuinely happy to be back with her family, to be home. "So, what happened, Skye?" Chase questioned curiously.

"Just a really long mission... I'm just glad to be back home." Skye answered him as they smiled at that answer. They were happy with that answer because she never really called this house her home in front of them- and they really like that a lot.

The trio, Tasha, and Leo hugged her tightly again in a group hug; She glanced over at Donald and knew that she was going to have to tell him what happened and how she got these powers. She could tell that's what was on his mind just by the look on his face.

"Hey, um, I'm gonna have to cut this reunion a little short because I need to borrow Skye for an important project of mine-" Donald spoke up and grabbed the said woman's lower left arm in his hand and dragged her down to the lab until they were alone. "Now... Tell me. Please."

Skye swallowed some and glanced down at the floor and began to explain but didn't give too much classified information away, "I tried to be the hero and save this girl, Raina, from going down these alien-like tunnels or whatever and... the next thing I know, I had followed her into this room and then... I came through-- and now have this power."

"Did you touch anything strange before you were unconscious?" Donald wondered aloud, perplexed still.

"I- don't know, I don't really remember..." Skye lied, unable to tell him the full truth because it was still too dangerous for them to know, and she didn't want them to be hurt.

"Well, don't worry. I'll help you control this power." Donald said with a grin, "After all, I am the brilliant Donald Davenport!"

Skye smirked. "Yeah, alright, whatever you say, Big D." He rolled his eyes but kept his grin. "This might be fun-ish."


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