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『July 7th』

Offer Kakeru to have lunch with you and Maria, talk about the culture festival and invite to watch the fireworks with you. Naho suggested a great spot, the pool.

It's the one memory she doesn't want to change.

Maybe it's me out for revenge but tell Suwa to go with her, last week you let him hang out with her so this week you do.

It's only fair.

"Have you ever wondered how much easier your life would be if you knew the answers to the test before hand?" Currently I was sitting in chemistry, we had finished the lesson for today and was having a class discussion. "What if you could use a time machine? I think it's possible eventually we'll figure out how to travel through time. How is it possible to travel to the future? First you have to figure out a way to move close to the speed of light." He began to draw on the board. "Take black holes, they have to power to warp time and space. This is the foundation for those who believe time travel.."

He then went on to discuss parallel worlds, how our world bridges off of the next. You could tell Naho was shocked, after class she almost broke down in front of everyone.

Kakeru also had lunch with Maria and I that day, after I invited him. We refrained from theorizing Naho's semi meltdown since Maria didn't know about it and it would ruin the mood.

"It sucks! I can't even stay for the fireworks!" Maria exclaimed, we were talking about the festival for tomorrow but she's complaining about not being able to stay.

"Well Kakeru, you wanna go watch with me?" I asked as Maria angrily stuffing food in her mouth. He smiled and nodded telling Maria he was sorry she couldn't go. She waved it off and decided to change the topic.

Yet when it was time to go back to class Kakeru broke the silence by asking me a question.

"Hey [Name]?" I hummed, looking at the people passing us in the hallway. "If you could go to the past or future, where would you go?"

"Past." I answered with no hesitation, there wasn't a need to. "I would want to save my parents."

He nodded, looking at me as if he realized something. "Same, to many regrets."

I sighed, walking through the door. "Well I hope if doesn't overrun your life, never let it do that Kakeru." His mouth hung open as he stuttered, the presence of of the teacher making him scurry off to his seat.

After class, I exited to the hall before seeing Kakeru and Naho talking. She stuttered before telling him something, yet the ruckus of two boys behind me prevented me from hearing.

Naho ended up walking away slightly upset as he met my eyes. He shrugged as Naho came up to me, she asked if she could talk to me and pulled me away. I mouth a goodbye and waved as she lead me outside.

"Are you going to the festival with Kakeru?" She asked shyly, her big eyes looking to the floor.

"Yeah, we were talking about it at lunch so I thought I'd invite him." I told her, a smirk growing on my face. "Did you want to go with him Naho?"

She grew flustered. "No! I was just asking.." I knew she was upset about it, after all it was her favorite memory according to my notes.

"Naho, you letter is wrong."

She began to stutter. "W-what!?"

I smiled and act as if I didn't say anything. "Go with Suwa, I'm sure he's not going with anyone." I walked away as she attempted to find words. She was probably surprised I brought up the letter.

I feel like the days pass so quickly. Before I knew it, the festival was tomorrow and Kakeru wanted to hang out.

"First time seeing me outside of school, surprised?" Kakeru stuffed his hands into his jeans.

He was wearing dark blue jeans and a black short sleeve shirt. I however was wearing soft jean shorts with a plain white tank, with [favorite color] sandals.

"Definitely, do I look any different?" I asked, turning so he could see my entire body.

"Nope, still as beautiful as ever." He blushed and looked away as I did the same. He started back up the conversation telling me he wanted to go to that bowling alley I was telling him about.

We headed downtown and entered the bowling alley. He had told me he's never played before as I retorted by saying how I was a pro against Suwa.

We had gotten our lanes and footwear before searching for balls. I had gotten my correct weight and helped Kakeru look for one. We moved on to actually playing, and Kakeru actually wasn't even half bad. He always held back a smile when I cheered for him after getting strikes or spares.

It was a fun day, we had gotten food and lingered at the alley a bit longer. He had told me he had something for me and brought out a black gift box.

"What is this?"

A couple from behind Kakeru looked at us as they put on their shoes, I tried not to pay attention to them and focus on the moment.

"A thank you gift, for all the lunches and wake up calls."

This wasn't the letter, was it?

"Aw, you didn't need to get me anything though, it was already convenient for me."

"Just open it."

With a smile I picked up the smooth box and took off the lid, a beautiful gold necklace visible.

"Kakeru! This looks so expensive.." I put the case down and looked at him. "You could've just gotten me [Favorite Candy] and I would've been fine."

He shook his head. "I insist, you want me to put it on you?" He asked standing up. I nodded and moved my [Hair Color] aside so he can put on the necklace.

The cool metal touched my shoulder as he tied the back. I fixed my hair and looked at the interlocking cuffs that was at the end of the necklace.

I thanked him again, a smile on both of our faces. He asked to take a picture as I said sure. He was about to take a picture of me until I took his phone, pulling him closer to me. We took a picture with his iPhone before I handed it back and telling him to send it to me.

We walked out of the bowling alley, heading towards our transportation to get back home.

"Now I'm embarrassed."

"Why? I assumed you did it all the time in Tokyo." I winked as he shook his head.

"Nope, first time. Wait what does Tokyo have anything to do with it?" He raised an eyebrow as we both laughed, Kakeru leaning closer to me.

When we settled, a sigh dropping from my lips he began to speak again.

"Right now I'm alone. I mean I live with my grandmother. The first day you made lunch for me grandma felt bad and offered to make me lunch. But I told her no, I wanted to keep eating the ones you made me. Sorry I know it's selfish."

"I'm glad my cooking is that good." I laughed slightly. "Trust me I feel alone too, if it wasn't for Suwa I don't know where I'd be."

He was about to speak as the ding went off, it was my stop.

"I'll see you tomorrow Kakeru!" I waved, heading in the direction of my house. He waved goodbye before the doors shut.

He's so nice, I could see why future me fell for him..

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