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『October 14th』

21st athletic meet, are you excited? According to my notes I ran in the first timeline, it told me to purposely lose since Kakeru fell and lost the relay for us. When she tried to talk to him he only shut down. We've talked about running before so there isn't an issue, just invite his grandma, have a little fun and everything should go smooth.

"I burned that bridge on Azusa's birthday." I sighed, placing down the note for tomorrow. It was only seven and I had just came back from eating dinner.

I picked up my phone and sighed, calling Kakeru's phone. I felt weird doing this, but I didn't have another choice. After the second ring he picked up the phone, a curious tone as he said my name.

"Hey Kakeru.." I stood and walked towards my bed. "I'm ready to apologize about the coat thing.."

"It's fine.. I'm just wondering why you did it.."

I got under my covers, looking at my ceiling. "Well I thought it meant you've made your choice. After all even if it was in my control I always tend to lose." I let out a laugh slightly, I wasn't only talking about the coat.

"I've had fourteen days to think about this." Thinking he was going to tell me his choice I stayed quiet, I honestly wanted to know if it would be her. "Yet you've ignored me and I've hated it."

"So that means you pick Naho?" I asked, trying to hide the heartbreak from my voice.

"No-" he was cut off by another voice, and I suddenly remembered why I called in the first place. I asked if he could put his grandmother on the phone as he nodded, her voice on the other line.

"Hello again, this is [Name]." I spoke politely.

"Ah yes I remember, how are you doing [Name]?" She asked as I lightly smiled. A knock was on my door as I told her about the athletic meet. I opened the door and Suwa was on the other side, him going straight to sitting on my bed. "I was wondering if you could make it, I want Kakeru to be surprised." I told her as Suwa raised an eyebrow at me. She told me she would be there as I put the phone the phone on mute for a minute. I asked Suwa if his parents could pick someone up tomorrow as he only shrugged and said yeah. I told the grandmother and we both said goodbye, me hanging up and putting my phone to the side.

I laid on my bed as Suwa laid next to me. "Was that Kakeru?"

I turned to look at his face, "his grandmother, I invited her to tomorrow's meet."

He nodded in affirmation. "Did he pick yet?"

I sighed, telling him a no as he just told me to wait. He would have to eventually, yet I was scared who he would choose.

"Get some sleep, I'll ask my mom but we have a long day."

I let out a laugh, yet I remain quiet about not running in the relay. I won that spot fair and square and yet Naho took it from me as if it was nothing. She isn't even that fast.

His grandmother actually did come, she was so happy to see him. Kakeru had been upset, I hadn't really talked to anyone except Maria though.

After the first round of tug of war Suwa came up to me cause his dad wanted a picture. I was in the center on the floor as the girls crowded around me, the boys had been standing above us.

"Boys toppling will begin shortly." The announcer said all of us walking back to our class. The toppling happens to be all the guys shirtless as they run and attack each other to get tear down the base, whoever's base gets knocked down first wins the competition.

"Wow wow wow! Look at that bod!" I yelled, as my brother turned to me. I whistled and cheered before laughing Suwa shoving me and telling me to shut up.

"Oh you love me." I teased, seeing the girls drool over my brother. Even Naho had gasped. He was ripped, chiseled packs and rock hard abs.

"Suwa has nothing on me." Hagita smirked, showing off his chest proudly. He had his hands on his hips as his chest had purple all of over chest to look like abs.

"You drew on a six pack!" He laughed, Maria who had been beside me glancing to the floor with a chuckle.

Naho asked Kakeru about his well being, it hadn't only been me who thought he looked sad. He only smiled and her and said a small yes as Maria and I walked off. She knew I didn't like Naho, she also knew I had a thing for Kakeru.

After we watched the boys toppling Maria opted to find our outfits, she told me to practice since I'd be in the front. I only nodded and stood in the center of the grass to practice. As awkward as I felt I yelled out cheers before doing the first part of our routine, it was only to show off those who couldn't do stunts. When I was seven or eight Suwa and I would always do backflips and cartwheels in the backyard, I always wanted a challenge so I taught myself more tricks. I've never been on a cheer team or anything but I know a couple of tricks.

"Be aggressive! Red team aggressive!"

I did a backflip as I walked back to my starting position and yelled cheers I got ready to do a round off back tuck. As I got in my starting position I slipped on a twig, landing on my back. I heard my name being called as I groaned, clutching my head.

"Are you alright?"

Kakeru was standing over me still shirtless as he helped me up. I only nodded as I had a slight headache.

"We need to get you to a nurse-"

I shook my head. "I don't have a concussion or anything I fell on my back." He leaned me against him as I place my hand on his chest trying to get myself away. "I need to get ready for the competition."


"I wouldn't be in this situation if your stupid friends hadn't taken my spot for the relay." I pulled myself away from him. "As if any of you actually care about me." I walk off, Kakeru meekly calls out to me, knowing I won't come back.

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