Chapter Two

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Shikamaru and Sakura were on their way to the classroom, after the whole bully ordeal Shikamaru said that he wanted to introduce Sakura to his friend Chouji. He didn't say much about him, or anything really aside from his name. The pinkette could only assume that he wanted Chouji to do the talking, she may not have known him long but she was aware of how lazy Shikamaru was. It made her wonder just what type of person Chouji would be, and she was excited to make a new friend. After all, it would be her second one.

As they enetred the class, the place was nothing short of a zoo gone wild. Papers were all over the place, girls were screaming and boys were laughing and running around the classroom. It was hectic, Sakura idly wondered how Iruka would react. Shikamaru just thought the whole thing was overly troublesome. The boy then led the pink-haired girl over to a boy who sat quielty in his desk.

The boy had brown, almost auburn hair that spiked to the left and to right. On his chubby cheeks were red swirls that were representative of his clan. He was calmly munching on a bag of chips until he spotted the pair walking towards them, he smiled.

"Hey Shikamaru!" The boy called out.

Shikamaru sent the boy a lazy lopsided smile.

"Hey Chouji" he replied.

All the while Sakura ducked behind Shikamaru, her shy nature taking over. The Nara quickly noticed this and let out sigh. He knew Sakura would have trouble trusting after being bullied for so long, and it was that reason that he thought she and Chouji would get along so well. For the longest time Chouji had been bullied like Sakura had, except for his weight and size.

The lethargic boy stepped out of the way and lightly pushed Sakura forward.

"Chouji, this is my friend Sakura. Sakura, this is my friend Chouji" The pony-tail wearing boy said.

"H-Hi" Sakura spoke timidly, her finger scratching her cheek out of nervous habit.

Chouji gave her a warm smile, "Hiya Sakura, it's nice to meet you"

Gaining a little more confidence, Sakura gave Chouji a smile of her own.

"Nice to meet you too" she said happily.

Chouji nodded back and plopped another chip into his awaiting mouth, his taste buds tingling  in glee.

"So, any idea where Iruka-sensei is Shikamaru?" The Akamichi inquired.

The pony-tail wearing boy sighed as plopped down into the seat beside his eating friend, "I don't know"

Sakura just stood there, not really sure what to do. Seeing this, Shikamaru motioned her to take the seat beside him. She seated herself to his left with Chouji on his right, filling the three man desks.

The three sat in companionable silence, with the occasional sound of Chouji munching on his chips and Shikamaru's light snoring. Sakura was looking out the window, gazing at the big blue sky that went on endlessly. She began day-dreaming about sprouting wings and flying high above the clouds with the wind blowing in her face.

She could see everything from up there, the tree tops and the hills across the meadow. Some birds flying a little bit below her and the kids that were playing in the park. She loved it all.

She was ripped out of reverie by the sound of high pitch squeals.

"Gah!" The Nara boy cried, rudely awoken by the horrid sound.

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