Welcome Home, Mija

497 34 9

October 15th 2029

I pulled down my blank white t-shirt, and buttoned my black harem pants. I laced up the boots they brought me. Once I was fully dressed, I looked over at myself in the mirror. My boobs were still small, but I still had my curves. My hair was sectioned off into four cornrows down my back. I did them myself. I looked over myself one last time, smiling at my appearance.

"Knock, knock." Dr. Evens was at my door, in his white coat with a brown suit underneath. I turned to look at him.

"How are you feeling?"


He smiled at my speech. That was one of the many things he helped me with, while I was here. The training process felt so long, but he claimed I was only here for two months. But, it didn't matter because he helped with my stuttering problem. I'm almost able to get a sentence out, without tripping over my own words.

"Excellent. Are you ready to go?"

I nodded and walked over to him. He took my arm and walked us down the long, white, clean hallway. We passed the other patients who's cases were worse off than mine was. Some were in straight jackets, while others were able to stay calm. I was just thankful I wasn't one of those unfortunate people under the case of, psychotic. We neared the front entrance, passing through two sets of huge double doors and eventually rolling into the lobby. That's when I looked up and saw Jacob, or Mr. Perez. He stood from his seat with a cup of coffee in his hand. I wasn't sure whether I should let Dr. Evens go and run towards him, or just fall back a bit. I know it's still wrong, and I probably shouldn't admit this, but I still have feelings for him. I guess, because he was my one and only, even if it was all a dream.

"Yes, we'll be checking her out today." Dr. Evens told the receptionist. She smiled and wrote something down on her clipboard, typed in my information and looked down me.

"Congratulations sweetheart!" She rewarded me her applause and I just gave a sheepish smile. Dr. Evens started walking towards Mr. Perez and they exchanged a few words, occasionally looking back at me. I just stood there, playing with my fingernails, tugging on my braids, until Mr. Perez called my name.

"Well, thanks again Dr. Evens. I really do appreciate this." The two men shook hands, then looked down on me. I quickly hugged Dr. Evens as a sign of gratitude, then released.

"Good luck Mariah."

That was the last I heard of Dr. Evens.

"You ready to go home?" Mr. Perez held his hand out for me, and I gladly placed mine in it.


The drive was a little uncomfortable, only because in the back of my mind, I feel like he knows. I feel like he knows about everything, the sex, the lies, the baby. Even if that was all as fake as some bitches eyebrows nowadays, I did keep journal entries. I know somebody had to have shown him, or mentioned something.

"So you know what today is, right?" He said, the corners of his mouth turning up into a smile.

"...N-No..." He looked to me, with a slightly confused, yet playfully expression. He even laughed a little bit, but I genuinely didn't have any clue what today was. I didn't even know the month.

"Are you serious?"

I nodded, and he returned his attention to the road. I just shrugged it off, as we continued on to his house. The busy streets of New York spooked me at first, since I've been away so long. The loud sounds and the mean people. It was crazy, but it was home and I'd rather be here, then anywhere else.

Wake. UP. [Book Two]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon