Nothing Wrong With Being Different...

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*January 3rd 2024*

I sat unamused at my desk. Everyone else in class was quietly working on the math problems on the board, but I didn't feel like doing them. I had another bad dream last night and I thought it'd be better if I drew what I saw. I opened my bag and looked for my colored pencils, but couldn't find them. I started to panic and turned my bag upside down, inside out and all around to find them.

"Mariah, what's going on?"

"I-I ca-an't f-fi-ind my co-olored pen-cils..."

I heard snickering and I already knew who it came from. This idiot boy in my class, Clarence. He always made fun of me whenever I spoke, because I stuttered so bad. I don't know why I do it, I just do.

"Mariah, you don't need to worry about your colored pencils. You should be worried about the problems on the board."

I rolled my eyes, obviously not about to listen to my old ass teacher. I continued my search.

"It's no wonder her parents left her, she stupid and deaf."

Clarence's stupid remark gained some laughter from his friends.

"Clarence, stop right now. None of that would be tolerated."

"Sh-hut u-up Cl-larence."

He mocked me, twisting his face and raising his voice.

"Sh-hut u-up Cl-larence. Is that the best you can come up with, you freak?"

"I-I am n-not a f-fr-freak..." It came out more like a question, than a bold statement.

"Yes you are. You have no friends because you stutter, you can barely breath half the time and you having crying fits. You a freak of nature, no wonder your parents left you, you creep."

"That's enough class, everyone get back to work before I-"


I leaped across the table and tackled Clarence to the floor. I had him pinned with my knees, as I started wailing on his face. He cried and begged for mercy, with his hands raised, but I wasn't ready to stop. All my classmates stood in shock and awe, as Clarence got beat up by a girl.

"That is enough! I've had it!!"

Mrs. Bridges came over and picked me off of Clarence. I looked at him, seeing his eye was red, his lip was busted and his face was full of scratches. Serves his ass right, he shouldn't have messed with me.

"You are a young lady, and you should act like one! I will call both your grandparents, but in the meantime, you will be in the principal's office!!"

I still never found my colored pencils.

"This was the third time, this week you've been sent to the principal's office! And for the same damn thing!!"

My grandmother yelled at me, in the car. I sat in the backseat, her in the passenger and grandpop in the driver's seat. We just left school early because I got suspended. Apparently, Clarence had to go to the hospital and his parents are thinking about pressing charges, but I couldn't care less. He got what he rightfully deserved.

"You are a young lady, and you shouldn't be fighting! Do you understand?"

I looked out the window, not happy I was getting yelled at. I felt like I disappointed her, but I couldn't just let Clarence disrespect my dead parents. He doesn't even know who they were.

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