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(Luhan's povs)

*I was watching tv while sitting on my couch, suddenly I thought of Xui, Kwon Ying Xui my childhood-bestfriend. Ohhh! How is she? Where is she? Is she fine? I want to meet her? Our memories flashed on my mind, during the day I left her my heart ache. Suddenly a news came.*


Breaking news! A model from Korea just arrived this time on China. Her name is Kwon Ying Xui a famous half Korean and Chinese idol, and a dancer from pledis entertainment. She went here in China to attend the event "Chinese Festival", also few idols arrived from Philippines, South Korea, America, Malaysia, Vietnam, and Thailand. That's all for today goodbye!

End of the news*

*Did I just saw Kwon Ying Xui in the tv right now? She really is gorgeous! I'm meeting her on Thursday! Yay!!! Finally! As I jumped in my couch, I went up to my room and took a bath, I went out with my black jagger pants and red t-shirt and my red cap with my black shoes. I went out my house and started my car.*

To my grandma's house!

(Xui's povs)

"Unnie, I'm hungry why don't we go eat?" As my younger sister whined which is 16 years old, Kwon Yang Lin

"Can we just buy food and take to grandma and grandpa's house? Or we can just cook food at grandma and grandpa's home?" I asked

"That's a brilliant idea my daughter." As mom said, dad can't join us because he is in Korea dealing with business

"Mom, did you call gradpa?" I asked

"Yes, he's with grandma. Why don't we go to the market, or any grocery store?" Mom asked

"Yes unnie, that's a great idea, mom." Lin clapped and I u-turned the car

*After few minutes we arrived in the grocery store, I locked my car. I saw mom and Lin pulling the cart and I took a picture of two of them. How cute and I posted it on my instagram. After that I kept my phone on my pocket. Suddenly I saw a familiar man buying foods too. He seems familiar. I joined my mom and Lin.*

"Unnie, I want noodles." Lin whined

"Just pick anything you want, I forgot my wallet on the car, I'm going." I said and I accidentally bumped on someone.

Teddy Bear "Luhan's fanfiction"Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora